Apprentice Witch – book review

The Apprentice Witch
Apprentice Witch #1
by James Nicol
* * * * * Stars (Amazing!)

Something goes horribly wrong during Arianwyn’s assessment and it’s only through her powerful and respected grandmother’s influence that she’s given a position as an apprentice witch in the town of Lull, bordering the Great Wood (where all manner of dark and dangerous magical beings lurk). Despite her test results, Arianwyn does admirably well in her new position. Although she makes some mistakes, she is quite capable and competent and her confidence in her skills grows. Still, she faces some challenges – a strange glyph keeps appearing to her, always preceding something terrible, and the witch who tormented her in school (Gimma) shows up in town one day (it turns out she’s the mayor of Lull’s niece) and finds new ways to cause trouble. Arianwyn has to draw on all of her skills in the end to help save the town from a night ghast. Fans of Harry Potter, Patricia Wrede’s Enchanted Forest Chronicles, and Tamora Pierce’s novels will enjoy this series with its clever protagonist. Delightful and fun with just enough drama, mystery, and suspense. Readers will be reaching for the next book in the series.

Reviewed by YA Librarian

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