Last Graduate – book review

The Last Graduate Scholomance #2 by Naomi Novik Fantasy Suspense Thriller Adult/teen * * * * Stars (Great!) In this sequel to “A Deadly Education,” El comes into her true power as the school throws more and more magical monsters and impossible tasks her way. She begins to suspect that it is training her up for a specific purpose, which, fortunately or unfortunately aligns with her own goals – to get EVERYONE out. Safely. All … Read more

Himawari House – book review

Himawari House by Harmony Becker Graphic Novel Realistic Fiction Adult/older teen * * * * * Stars (Amazing!) Three young Asian women become housemates in Japan, while they work, take Japanese classes, and plan for the future. Nao is Japanese American, Hyejung is from Korea, and Tina is from Singapore. They grow closer as they get to know each other – sharing food, feelings, and friendship as they try to figure out where they fit … Read more

Lovely War – Read It and Rate It

Lovely War by Julie Berry Adventure Historical Fiction Romance Teen * * * * * Stars (Amazing!) In a Manhattan hotel on the eve of World War II, Hephaestus catches his wife, Aphrodite, in a compromising position with his brother Ares. To clear herself of the crime of adultery, she weaves an intricate tale of mortal love during wartime that demonstrates the endurance of the human spirit. This book is intelligently and incredibly well written, … Read more

Huda F Are You? – book review

Huda F Are You? by Huda Fahmy Graphic Novel Realistic Fiction Teen * * * Stars Loosely based on events from the author’s life, this tells the story of somewhat fictional Huda after her family moves to a new town with a large Muslim population. Huda, who is starting high school, expects that she’ll find the friendships and community she was missing out on in middle school, but discovers that her self identity is all … Read more

Dire Days of Willowweep Manor – book review

The Dire Days of Willowweep Manor by Shaenon K. Garrity & Christopher Baldwin Adventure Funny Graphic Novel Supernatural Tween * * * Stars (Pretty good) Haley loves gothic novels like “Wuthering Heights,” so she’s not too traumatized when she gets sucked into an alternate/gasket universe – Willowweep Manor – that follows all the same rules as the stories she adores. Unfortunately, Willowweep Manor is under attack by an evil being from another world that is … Read more

When Stars Are Scattered – book review

When Stars Are Scattered Victoria Jamieson & Omar Mohamed Graphic Novel Realistic Fiction (based on true story) Tween * * * * * Stars (Amazing!) Omar and his younger brother Hassan fled their village in Somalia when it was overrun by men with guns. They made their way, along with other refugees, to a camp in Kenya where they waited for years for something to happen – to find their mother who became separated from … Read more

Space Boy #11 – book review

Space Boy #11 by Stephen McCranie Graphic Novel Mystery Science Fiction Teen * * * * * Stars (Amazing!) The continuation of Oliver’s story as events upon the Arno unfold. His father secrets him inside the core to keep him safe while power systems all over the ship continue to fail. When Oliver can wait no longer for his family to join him, he climbs out and discovers that he’s completely alone. What could have … Read more

Wee Free Men – book review

Wee Free Men Tiffany Aching #1 (Discworld) by Terry Pratchett Fantasy * * * * Stars (Great!) Tiffany Aching is a young woman with a good head on her shoulders. She’s also a fledgling witch whose world is being invaded by an evil queen whose favorite attack seems to be invading dreams. Tiffany has to use her witchy ways to defeat the queen and save her world. She has little experience in this, as she’s … Read more

Winter’s Promise – book review

A Winter’s Promise The Mirror Visitor #1 by Christelle Dabos (translated from the French by Hildegarde Serle) Fantasy Mystery Teen * * * * Stars (Great!) Ophelia isn’t pleased when she’s informed of her arranged marriage that will take her away from the work she loves – running her family’s museum and reading the pasts of objects by handling them. Her fiancé unceremoniously whisks her away to his family’s ark at the Pole where she’s … Read more

CLOSING NOTICE: We will be closed Monday, September 2, 2024 in observance of the Labor Day holiday. The exterior book drop will close the night before, September 1st, at 5 p.m. We will reopen Tuesday, September 3rd, 2024.