My Life in Pink and Green – Read It and Rate It

My Life in Pink and Green by Lisa Greenwald Realistic Fiction Review #1 * * * * Stars (Great!) This book is about a young girl named Lucy and she pretty much lives in her family’s pharmacy. Until one day, they find out that they are losing money and business. Her family has to choose to either sell their apartment or the pharmacy. Yet, this is not the end. Lucy is a huge problem solver. … Read more

Unwind – Read It and Rate It

Unwind Unwind #1 by Neal Shusterman Mystery Science Fiction Thriller Review #1 * * * * * Stars (Amazing!) The overall plot of the novel is the topic of organ donation. Taking place in the near future, specific people are born and bred to be “harvested” at the age of 18. Their organs will go to those in the wealthy society, for they are valued more than the rest. But what happens if you do … Read more

Girl in Translation – Read It and Rate It

Girl in Translation by Jean Kwok Realistic Fiction Review #1 * * * * Stars (Great!) “Girl in Translation” is about a young girl named Kimberly and her mom moving from Hong Kong to Brooklyn, New York. What I liked about this book was the way Kimberly overcame the issues that she faced during the time she was adjusting with her aunt refusing to help, her teacher disgusted with her English, and much more. What … Read more

Milkman in the Night – Read It and Rate It

The Milkman in the Night by Andrey Kurkov Realistic Fiction Review #1 * * Stars (Just ok) This book is about three people who are struggling financially and all experiencing odd things. For example, Dima has a cat that can’t die, Semyon has a night life he is not aware of because he sleepwalks, and Irina is being chased down by a large group of people who want her breast milk. There honestly is not … Read more

Placebo Junkies – Read It and Rate It

Placebo Junkies by J.C. Carleson Realistic Fiction Review #1 * * * Stars (Pretty good) “Placebo Junkies” is about a girl named Audie who fakes a whole bunch of illnesses and symptoms to be able to participate in pharmaceutical drug trials to earn a lot of money. When her boyfriend, who has cancer expresses he wants to go to Patagonia, Audie tries to participate in as many drug trials as possible to make enough money … Read more

Compound – Read It and Rate It

The Compound by S.A. Bodeen Science Fiction Suspense Thriller Review #1 * * * * * Stars (Amazing!) After a nuclear war started, Eli and his family go into the Compound. However, not his entire family. They had 40 minutes to get down there and Eli had to leave his brother, Endy, and Gram. It’s been six years in the Compound. Life is getting boring. Eli gets curious about the Compound and how his dad … Read more

Magicians – Read It and Rate It

The Magicians The Magicians #1 by Lev Grossman Fantasy Review #1 * * * * * Stars (Amazing) This book is about Quenton Coldwater, a regular guy in high school living in Manhattan. One day he goes for a job interview, but finds the man dead. Hours later he’s still sitting in that same room, but now there are dozens of police and detectives there. A lady comes up to him and tells him that he … Read more

Fangirl – Read It and Rate It

Fangirl by Rainbow Rowell Realistic Fiction Review #1 * * * Stars (Pretty good) This was a book about a girl, Cath, who is a freshman in college with a lot of responsibilities. She is in a junior level Fiction writing class with a paper that is due, a dad who mentally breaks down, and uninterested, non-attendant mother, and a ton more on her plate. Living her life as a twin can be helpful, yet … Read more

Getting Air – Read It and Rate It

Getting Air by Dan Gutman Adventure Realistic Fiction Suspense Thriller Review #1 * * * * * Stars (Amazing!) Jimmy and his friends are on a plane trip to watch the X-Games when the plane gets hijacked. The kids fight back and crash-land the plane.  Everybody dies in the crash except for the friends (ha, ha, what a coincidence). They all have to use all their knowledge to survive before getting rescued a couple days … Read more

Marked (McCaffrey) – Read It and Rate It

Marked by Laura Williams McCaffrey Dystopian Graphic Novel Review #1 * * * * Stars (Great!) 16-year-old Lyla lives in a controlled society where only the smartest students will live in the wealth and strive in life. She gets caught cheating and she gets tattooed for doing this as a criminal. She gets offered a rare chance to redeem herself, but must betray the people she loves. I really liked this because it showed adventure and … Read more