My Sister’s Keeper – Read It and Rate It

My Sister’s Keeper by Jodi Picoult Realistic Fiction Review #1 * * * * * Stars (Amazing!) MSK is about a young girl who sues her parents over the rights over her own body. Since she was born, her parents have used Anna’s body parts and blood to keep Anna’s cancer stricken sister, Kate, alive. I enjoyed this book very much. It had many twists which made me think about the choices I make. I … Read more

Paperweight – Read It and Rate It

Paperweight by Meg Haston Realistic Fiction Review #1 * * * * * Stars (Amazing!) You must take it upon yourself to read this book. Paperweight is about a teen girl named Stevie who is suffering from an eating disorder. Her mom left a few years before she went into treatment and just a year ago her brother, her best friend, died in a car accident. She takes responsibility for his death and plans to … Read more

Glass Castle – Read It and Rate It

The Glass Castle by Jeanette Walls Biography Nonfiction Review #1 * * * * * Stars (Amazing!) The Glass Castle is about Jeanette Walls’ life growing up in a broken family.  The book is very raw and often shocking as she exposes the everyday life she had.  I really liked this memoir and am glad I picked it up.  I would recommend this to anybody who enjoys reading.  It will be worth your time, but be … Read more

Eleanor & Park – Read It and Rate It

Eleanor & Park by Rainbow Rowell Realistic Fiction Romance Review #1 * * * * Stars (Great!) Eleanor & Park basically was a rollercoaster of emotions. It was just an explosion of feels and the ending had me crying my brains out. The switching of point of view was very confusing, but mainly because I’d stop in the middle of an Eleanor passage and then when I went to read the book again, I thought … Read more

Catch You Later, Traitor – Read It and Rate It

Catch You Later, Traitor by Avi Historical Fiction Review #1 * * * Stars (Pretty good) Pete is a normal boy until his father is convicted of being a Communist.  Pete wonders if this could possibly be true. Like all his favorite detectives, he models himself off them and sets out to reveal family secrets. His best friend, Kat, moves because her father doesn’t accept his father’s said Communistic behavior. Pete is set to reach … Read more

Son – Read It and Rate It

Son Giver series #4 by Lois Lowry Adventure Science Fiction Review #1 * * * Stars (Pretty good) Claire is assigned birth mother in her utopian community. When something goes wrong while giving birth to her first child, she is put in a situation with a yearning for her son. This book reunites characters and comes to a dramatic, thought-provoking end. 

One – Read It and Rate It

The One Selection series #3 by Kiera Cass Adventure Dystopian Romance Review #1 * * * * * Stars (Amazing!) The Selection series is a book series that perfectly blends The Hunger Games with The Bachelor. It’s a romance cake with an icing of adventure and sprinkles of dystopia. One might say that the book would’ve been a hodge podge that wouldn’t blend together nicely, but I definitely recommend this book to any other teen … Read more

Dog Finds Lost Dolphin – Read It and Rate It

Dog Finds Lost Dolphin and More Stories of Amazing Animal Heroes National Geographic Kids Chapters series by Elizabeth Carney Nonfiction Review #1 * * * * * Stars (Amazing!) This book is about three animal heroes. There is a dolphin rescue dog, a monkey miracle worker, and rats who find land mines. I liked this book because it is about my favorite thing – animals! 

Wishing Spell – Read It and Rate It

The Wishing Spell Land of Stories #1 by Chris Colfer Fantasy Review #1 * * * * Stars (Great!) I like Land of Stories because it gives the characters hope and brings them closer. When they work together they realize that they need each other so that’s how they became close and that’s how I became close to my sister – from learning that you better appreciate the stuff you have before it’s gone. 

To Kill a Mockingbird – Read It and Rate It

To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee Classic Historical Fiction Realistic Fiction Review #1 * * * * * Stars (Amazing!) This is the famous fictional story of Scout Finch, a young girl living in the 1900s. Scout must decide between her own morals and those of society on the issues of race and equality. I love this book very much.  Harper Lee has created lovable characters you won’t forget. Her writing style made reading … Read more