Hunger Winter – Read It and Rate It

Hunger Winter by Rob Currie Adventure Historical Fiction Review #1 * * * * * Stars This book was extremely enjoyable. Depicting strong emotions, “Hunger Winter” will pull you in throughout all of its chapters. The characters are realistic, and enjoyable to read about. The plot and conflict are well laid out, constructing a book I would always recommend. Growing in his faith, Dirk is tested on a journey. He learns to discern, and he … Read more

Zentangle Springkle Bookmarks (June 2020) Gallery

Annie Reiser, certified Zentangle instructor, guided participants through the creation of a bookmark using several different tangles (primarily the Springkle tangle) in a live virtual class she presented for the Huntley Area Public Library in June 2020. This gallery showcases some of the pieces created by attendees. If you missed the class, you can view a recording here. Please share your creation with us using the form below to upload a photo/image.

Happy Earth Day!

The Google doodle for today celebrates Earth Day by focusing on bees – our busy pollinators whose activities help our plants grow and reproduce. You can play a little pollination game and learn a few facts about bees. Bee Doodle!