Benefits of Being an Octopus – book review

The Benefits of Being an Octopus by Ann Braden Realistic Fiction * * * * Stars (Great!) Zoey is in 7th grade and she tries to keep a low profile because other kids have opinions about her that she can’t do anything about. She’s poor, she’s moved around a lot (when her family wasn’t living out of her mom’s car), sometimes she doesn’t have enough to eat or clean clothes to wear, she’s got 3 … Read more

Miscalculations of Lightning Girl – book review

The Miscalculations of Lightning Girl by Stacy McAnulty Realistic Fiction * * * * Stars (Great!) Lucy Callahan is a math savant. She acquired her “superpowers” after being struck by lightning and suddenly developed an affinity with and for numbers. There were some negative side effects, though – she also has some obsessive-compulsive tendencies and a fear of germs that other people often perceive as weird or freakish. Raised by her Nana, and homeschooled since … Read more

Marcus Vega Doesn’t Speak Spanish – book review

Marcus Vega Doesn’t Speak Spanish by Pablo Cartaya Realistic Fiction Tween * * * * Stars (Great!) Marcus Vega is an enterprising 14-year-old, who looks much older than his actual age (6 feet tall, 180 lbs, mustache). To help his single-parent mom out with bills and emergencies, he runs a number of different businesses – charging kids at school for littering or using their cell phones (both against school rules), and offering a fee-based protection … Read more

Low Men in Yellow Coats – Read it and Rate it

Low Men in Yellow Coats (novella) by Stephen King Mystery Suspense Thriller Review #1 * * * Stars (Pretty good) I was a little disappointed. I thought for Stephen King’s books would captivate me from the very beginning. I had to push through, hoping to get to something interesting. I finally got there. He did give amazing detail on the Low Men. I could clearly see it in my mind’s eye.

From the Notebooks of a Middle School Princess – Read it and Rate it

From the Notebooks of a Middle School Princess book #1 by Meg Cabot Realistic Fiction Review #1 * * * * * Stars (Amazing!) 6th grader Olivia Grace Clarisse Mignonette Harrison suddenly starts getting bullied by Annabelle, a fellow 6th grader, for being a princess. Olivia has no idea why because she is NOT a princess! But she finds out that she actually is when Princess Mia picks her up from school one day and … Read more

By Night – book review

By Night  vol. 1 by John Allison Comics Science Fiction Supernatural * * * * Stars (Great!) Jane and Heather go way back, but haven’t seen each other since they graduated from college. Now they’re both back in their hometown, Spectrum, where exactly nothing happens ever. Heather has a great idea that’s sure to be fun – the Charleswood Estate, abandoned for years, has officially run out of money to fund its security man (conveniently, … Read more