Forbidden Orchid – book review

The Forbidden Orchid by Sharon Biggs Waller Adventure Historical Fiction Romance Suspense Thriller * * * * Stars (Great!) Elodie Buchanan is the eldest of 10 daughters in a family that’s being torn apart by her plant collector father’s continued absence. Unspeakable things happened to him on his last trip to China and he remains haunted and broken in his apartment at Kew gardens. When his employer threatens to take everything they own to recoup … Read more

New Kid – book review

New Kid by Jerry Craft Graphic Novel Realistic Fiction Tween * * * * * Stars (Amazing!) Because seventh grader Jordan Banks’ parents want the best education for their son, he ends up attending Riverdale Academy Day School instead of art school (but you get to see lots of his artwork/comics here!). It’s a wealthy, fancy pants place far from his neighborhood. At first Jordan doesn’t think he’s going to like it – it’s low … Read more

Blackout Poetry Contest

Create a “blackout” poem by crossing out words on a book page and leaving behind only the ones that make up your poem. Photocopied book pages are available at the Information Desk, or you may use one of your own (make a photocopy – don’t tear it out!). Submit your poem using the entry form below (or pick up an entry form at the Information Desk) by April 30, 2019. If using the form below, … Read more

Prince and the Dressmaker – book review

The Prince and the Dressmaker by Jen Wang Graphic Novel Young Adult Fiction * * * * Stars (Great!) Frances is a young seamstress who finds a position as the Prince’s “dressmaker” when one of her designs – very risqué – debuts at a ball held in his honor. Prince Sebastian loves her ideas and wants her to make eye-catching, traffic-stopping gowns for him when he dresses up as Lady Crystallia. Together, they have the … Read more

Thanks for the Trouble – book review

Thanks for the Trouble by Tommy Wallach Realistic Fiction * * * * * Stars (Amazing!) Parker Santé hasn’t spoken in 5 years when he meets the mysterious, silver-haired Zelda Toth, whom he’s attempting to rob in the dining room of the Palace Hotel. He’s so distracted by her presence that he leaves his notebook at the scene of the crime. When he returns to retrieve it, she’s reading it. Intrigued by what she’s read … Read more