My Heartbeat – book review

My Heartbeat by Garret Freymann-Weyr Realistic Fiction * * * * Stars (Great!) Ellen, 14, is close to her older brother Link (short for Lincoln) and his best friend James. She’s had a crush on James for as long as she can remember, which both Link and James think is adorable. They often allow her to tag along on their adventures and be a part of their conversations. It’s not until Ellen starts high school … Read more

Proud – book review

Proud: My Fight for an Unlikely American Dream by Ibtihaj Mohammed Biography/Autobiography/Memoir Nonfiction * * * * Stars (Great!) Ibtihaj Muhammad describes her path to the 2016 Olympics from her childhood, where her parents encouraged all of their children to participate in sports, discovery of fencing (her mother was actually the one who saw the fencing team practicing at the high school Ibti was to attend and pushed her to try out), and how her … Read more

To Night Owl from Dogfish – book review

To Night Owl from Dogfish by Holly Goldberg Sloan & Meg Wolitzer Funny LGBT Realistic Fiction * * * * Stars (Great) Bett Devlin and Avery Bloom first “meet” when Bett discovers that their dads are secretly dating, secretly sending them to a fancy schmancy summer camp, and secretly planning to explore China by motorcycle.  The girls are outraged.  They like things fine just the way they are.  As they continue to exchange messages, however, … Read more

Stronger, Faster, and More Beautiful – book review

Stronger, Faster, and More Beautiful  by Arwen Elys Dayton Science Fiction Short Stories * * * Stars (Pretty good) These linked stories take place in the near and then distant future as human beings find ways to extend life, eliminate disease, and modify their bodies in new and exciting ways.  Factions emerge as the modifications go beyond medical and into cosmetic and bizarre – those who believe that the human form should be pure and … Read more

Seven Torments of Amy and Craig – book review

The Seven Torments of Amy and Craig by Don Zolidis Historical Fiction Realistic Fiction Romance * * * * Stars (Great!) Craig and Amy are an unlikely couple – Amy is popular, outgoing, and a real class leader, while Craig has a few awkward nerdy friends who get together on Saturday nights to play D&D.  But when Craig starts crushing on Amy, he finds a way for them to spend more time together – he … Read more

Night Diary – book review

The Night Diary by Veera Hiranandani Historical Fiction Juvenile Fiction * * * * Stars (Great!) Nisha and her twin brother Amil (12 years old) become refugees when their country gains its independence from British rule in 1947 and is split into two nations – India and Pakistan.  Because she and her family (father, grandmother, and brother) are considered Hindu (even though Nisha and Amil’s mother was Muslim) they must leave the home they have … Read more