Halfway Normal – book review

Halfway Normal by Barbara Dee Realistic Fiction * * * * Stars (Great!) Norah Levy is in remission (she had leukemia) and is returning to school (7th grade) after being out sick for 2 years.  Although her academics are in good shape thanks to her tutor, her friendships and social life are kind of in turmoil.  Almost everyone treats Norah like she’s still sick – her guidance counselor won’t even say the word “cancer” in … Read more

Whatever After: Dream On – Read It and Rate It

Dream On Whatever After #4 by Sarah Mlynowski Adventure Fantasy Review #1 * * * * Stars (Great!) Abby and Jonah once again fall into their mirror and this time they fall into the story of Sleeping Beauty, but accidentally bring Abby’s friend Robin.  When Robin pricks her finger on the spinning wheel, the whole story changes (again!).  When they meet Rose (Sleeping Beauty), and her annoying little brother, Rose helps them find a fairy … Read more

Dork Diaries: Tales from a Not-So-Happy Heartbreaker – Read It and Rate It

Tales from a Not-So-Happy Heartbreaker Dork Diaries #6 by Rachel Renee Russell Realistic Fiction Review #1 * * * * * Stars (Amazing!) It’s almost Valentines and for this year’s Valentine’s dance, it’s girls ask boys out!!!  Nikki really wants to ask Brandon (her crush) out, but a series of unfortunate events occur, including Mackenzie stealing Brandon’s phone and texting messages acting like him!!!  But in the end Nikki and Brandon realize that Mackenzie stole … Read more

Dork Diaries: Tales from a Not-So-Dorky Drama Queen – Read It and Rate It

Tales from a Not-So-Dorky Drama Queen Dork Diaries #9 by Rachel Renee Russell Realistic Fiction Review #1 * * * * * Stars (Amazing!) When Mackenzie steals Nikki’s diary and reads EVERY-SINGLE-PAGE in it, she finds out about sleepovers, secrets, and yes, even about Brandon!!!  She finds out Brandon is Nikki’s crush!!!  But even after all of that…she does MORE!  She puts on leopard print all over the front of the diary, disguising it as … Read more

Dork Diaries: Tales from a Not-So-Happily Ever After – Read It and Rate It

Tales from a Not-S0-Happily Ever After Dork Diaries #8 by Renee Russell Fantasy Realistic Fiction Review #1 * * * * Stars (Great!) When Nikki gets hit in the face by Mackenzie during a gym class dodgeball game, she passes out because she got hit so hard.  When she “wakes up” she realizes that odd little kids with candy in their hair are standing around her rejoicing because she fell out of the sky and … Read more

Dr. Maniac vs Robby Schwartz – Read It and Rate It

Dr. Maniac vs Robby Schwartz Goosebumps Horrorland #5 by R.L. Stine Horror <– it’s supposed to be, but not really scary at all. Review #1 * * Stars (Just ok.) The audiobook was ok.  The beginning pulled you in, but when it came to the climax there was nothing.  The villains were ok, but what they made the kids do and why was just plain dumb.  Not really impressed.

War That Saved My Life – book review

The War That Saved My Life by Kimberly Brubaker Bradley Historical Fiction Juvenile Fiction * * * * Stars (Great!) Ada (11) was born with a clubfoot and lives with her mam and little brother, Jamie, in London, where she is required to stay hidden from the world.  When the war (WWII) breaks out, Ada takes the opportunity to evacuate herself and Jamie to the countryside, where they are put in the care of Susan … Read more

Be Prepared – book review

Be Prepared by Vera Brosgol Graphic Novel Realistic Fiction * * * * Stars (Great!) Vera Brosgol felt left out among her classmates who all came from wealthier, two-parent households.  All the other kids got to go away to camp in the summer, and Vera is always stuck at home.  Then she finds out about a special summer camp for Russian immigrants that her church will subsidize if she attends.  She convinces her mom to … Read more