Radium Girls – book review

Radium Girls by Kate Moore Nonfiction * * * * Stars (Great!) During WWI a number of young women worked in factories as dial painters – using radium paint to illuminate the numbers and dials of wristwatches and console panels.  They did not know then that radium was harmful.  Over time, these women developed terrible and debilitating illnesses, many of which proved to be fatal.  Those that sought medical assistance were often misdiagnosed and all … Read more

La Belle Sauvage – book review

La Belle Sauvage Book of Dust #1 by Philip Pullman Adventure Fantasy Suspense Thriller * * * * Stars (Great!) In this first book of a series that takes place prior The Golden Compass, Malcolm (12 years old) learns of the existence of baby Lyra (said to be the child of Lord Asrael and Mrs. Coulter) who comes to be looked after by the nuns at a nearby convent where Malcolm helps out.  He becomes … Read more

One – book review

One by Sarah Crossan Novel in Verse Realistic Fiction * * * * Stars (Great!) Grace and Tippy are teenaged conjoined (from the waist down) twins who are going to attend private school for the first time (they were homeschooled before) and they’re nervous about how people will react to them. Going out in public is usually an ordeal for them as everyone stares.  But, they make a couple of friends quickly and school isn’t … Read more

Laser Moose and Rabbit Boy series – book reviews

Drop everything and start reading these graphic novels (there are 2 so far) by Doug Savage about a Moose that shoots lasers from his eyes, and his sidekick/companion, Rabbit Boy and their adventures protecting their forest home from all sorts of dangers! Book #1 – Laser Moose and Rabbit Boy by Doug Savage Funny Graphic Novel Juvenile Fiction Science Fiction Young Adult Fiction * * * * Stars (Great!) Laser Moose and Rabbit Boy are … Read more

Teen Tuesday: Henna (July 2017) Gallery

Our popular henna event/artist is back!  Rebecca Huston from Heathen Ink Tattoo returned to decorate area teens with temporary, henna tattoos.  Participants also learned how to use the henna applicators to create their own designs.  Photos are from our second session (we also offered a session in June of 2017).