Forgive Me, Leonard Peacock – Read It and Rate It

Forgive Me, Leonard Peacock by Matthew Quick Realistic Fiction Review #1 * * * Stars (Pretty good) This book is about a 17 year old boy named Leonard Peacock.  He strongly dislikes Asher Beal and plans to kill him then himself afterwards.  Before he decides to give little gifts to everyone that made a positive impact in his life.  I didn’t like how the book didn’t have much action in it and it was a … Read more

Ms Marvel comics – book review

Ms. Marvel comics written by G. Willow Wilson illustrated by Mirka Andolfo, Takeshi Miyazawa, & Francesco Gaston Comics Funny Supernatural * * * * * Stars (Amazing!) If you aren’t already reading Ms. Marvel, you should drop everything now and start.  She’s a smart, funny, Muslim teenager who develops superpowers and must choose how to use them responsibly while maintaining her friendships and being part of her close-knit family.  There are lots of timely topics … Read more

Hate U Give – book review

The Hate U Give by Angie Thomas Realistic Fiction * * * * * Stars (Amazing!) Starr Carter (16, black) lives in the neighborhood and works at her father’s store, but attends a mostly white school.  She feels like she is two different people in each of these worlds and that she doesn’t quite fit in anywhere.  When her friend, Kenya (sister of her half-brother Seven), invites her to a party in the neighborhood, Starr … Read more

Moon Girl and Devil Dinosaur – book review

Moon Girl and Devil Dinosaur Vol. 1: BFF written by Amy Reeder & Brandon Montclare art by Natacha Bustos Comics/Graphic Novel Science Fiction Supernatural * * * * Stars (Great!) 9-year-old Lunella (Moon Girl) is frantically searching for the Omni-Wave Projector so that she can use it to reverse engineer a cure for humans who have been affected by the Terrigen cloud (those who have inhuman genes that change when exposed to this chemical). She’s … Read more