Young Artists July 2018 Gallery

This month Young Artist’s used dot painting to make a colorful fish picture. Enjoy the photos of these wonderful artists. Young Artists is a program at the Huntley Area Public Library that usually takes place every other month. It is geared toward children in kindergarten through second grade. Visit the library for Young Artists with Miss Anne. For more details, dates and times for Young Artists, please check the Huntley Area Public Library’s official website, the … Read more

Project Tween: Koinobori (July 2018) Gallery

This month, Tweens painted a Koinobori (a windsock or colorful fish kite) to celebrate Children’s Day in Japan.  Enjoy the photos! Project Tween is a monthly program geared for youth between 10-14 years old at the Huntley Area Public Library.

Pajamarama July 2018 Gallery

At this month’s Pajamarama, we read books about ocean animals, including “The Very Silly Shark,” by Jack Tickle.  We also sang “The waves in the sea” and created our own fish with baking liners for fins.  Enjoy the photos! Pajamarama is a monthly story time program at the Huntley Area Public Library that usually takes place on the second Tuesday of the month. It is geared toward families of 2-6 year olds. Visit the library in your … Read more

Teen Tuesday: Henna Art (June and July 2018) Gallery

Our popular henna event/artist is back!  Rebecca Huston from Heathen Ink Tattoo returned to decorate area teens with temporary, henna tattoos.  Participants also learned how to use the henna applicators to create their own designs.  Photos are from two sessions, one in June and one in July.

Make Your Own Sock-to-pus June 2018 Gallery

Kids ages 7-10 showed up to make their own colorful sock-to-pus.  In a few simple steps (cut, stuff and tie), they created a big-kid craft with Miss Lian.  Enjoy the fun photos! For more details, dates and times for children’s programs, please check the Huntley Area Public Library’s official website, the print or online copy of the library’s newsletter The Whole Story.