Dorothy Must Die – Read It and Rate It

Dorothy Must Die by Danielle Paige Adventure Fantasy Review #1 * * * * * Stars (Amazing!) Best book EVER! “Dorothy Must Die” is about a teenage girl named Amy Gumm who winds up in Oz. However, it’s not the same one as the one you and I think of. After Dorothy returns to Kansas she realizes she wants to go back to Oz, so she does. The citizens of Oz crown Dorothy Queen of … Read more

Court of Thorns and Roses – Read It and Rate It

A Court of Thorns and Roses  #1 by Sarah J. Maas Adventure Fantasy Romance Review #1 * * * * * Stars (Amazing!) This book is by far one of my favorite fantasy books about faeries. Now, usually when people think about faeries, they think about Tinker Bell and things like that, but boy would they be wrong with this book. Basically, this book is about a girl who accidentally violates a treaty that has … Read more

Closer – Read It and Rate It

Closer Tunnels #4 by Roderick Gordon Adventure Review #1 * * * * * Stars (Amazing!) Will, Elliott, and Dr. Burrows are trapped in a world inside ours. Dr. Burrows studies the pyramid that they “surfaced” near. Elliott gathers supplies and watches for any signs that the Styx made it to the underground Utopia. Later they get ambushed by the Styx and the human inhabitants of the world. I liked it because it is a … Read more

Homecoming – Read It and Rate It

Homecoming Avalon High: Coronation #2 by Meg Cabot and Jinky Coronado Adventure Graphic Novel Manga Realistic Fiction Romance Review #1 * * * * Stars (Great!) Ellie must get her boyfriend Will Wagner to believe that he is the reincarnation of King Arthur before homecoming. Not an easy task as Will is having problems with his parents. Ellie knows that in order to get Will to believe, she must first help fix things with his … Read more

Merlin Prophecy – Read It and Rate It

The Merlin Prophecy Avalon High: Coronation #1 by Meg Cabot and Jinky Coronado Adventure Graphic Novel Realistic Fiction Romance Review #1 * * * * Stars (Great!) After the events of the first few weeks of school, Ellie is excited. She’s on the track team, she is an honor student, and she is dating the class president, Will Wagner. Will is the alleged reincarnation of King Arthur, although he doesn’t believe it. If Will doesn’t … Read more

These Shallow Graves – Read It and Rate It

These Shallow Graves by Jennifer Donnelly Adventure Historical Fiction Mystery Romance Thriller Review #1 * * * * * Stars (Amazing!) This book is like the 21st century Nancy Drew. It is an amazing murder mystery novel that has many twists and turns at the end. It is soooo good, because the characters have very good personalities and are very intricate. Also, you never see the ending coming. Well, you sort of do if you’re … Read more

Lunar Chronicles series – Read It and Rate It

Lunar Chronicles series by Marissa Meyer Adventure Fantasy Mystery Romance Science Fiction Thriller Review #1 * * * * * Stars (Amazing!) Get lost in the Lunar Chronicles, it’s a fun-filled and exciting adventure kind of book series. You’ll meet many new people who you’ll fall in love with. The book starts out with showing the main problem, then as the series goes on it shows how this problem came to be. Queen Levana and … Read more

Conspiracy of Us – Read It and Rate It

The Conspiracy of Us The Conspiracy of Us #1 by Maggie Hall Adventure Mystery Romance Review #1 * * Stars (Just ok) The book seemed interesting from the cover and back, but in between is a dull story. Half the book is great, the other half is horrible. The book is dull and predictable. The “mystery” is not solved by the end of the book, and honestly, there’s no reason for readers to read book 2 … Read more