From the Mixed-Up Files of Mrs. Basil E. Frankweiler – book review

From the Mixed-Up Files of Mrs. Basil E. Frankweiler By E.L. Konigsburg Adventure Juvenile Fiction Mystery Realistic Fiction * * * * Stars (Great!) Feeling unappreciated and taken advantage of, Claudia decides to teach her parents a lesson by running away. Because she’s a planner, and accustomed to a certain standard of living (and comfort) she decides to invite her younger brother Jamie (who saves ALL of his money) on her escapade. Jamie is up … Read more

Welcome, Wombat – book review

Welcome, Wombat True Tales of Rescue series by Kama Einhorn Juvenile/Tween Nonfiction Wombats Animal Rescue * * * * Stars (Great!) Chance, the wombat, narrates a welcome to newly rescued “pinky” Panzer and shares wombat facts and information about the sanctuary and humans who have taken them in to raise and keep safe until such a time comes when they can return to the wild.  Details about wombat nature and habits is imparted in a … Read more

Boxcar Children (series) – Read It and Rate It

The Boxcar Children (series) by Gertrude Chandler Warner Adventure Mystery Review #1 * * * * * Stars (Amazing!) This book is amazing.  The characters are wonderful.  Henry, Jessie, Violet, and Benny are all orphans, but are also brothers and sisters.  The only way that they can be together is by trying to make it on their own.  Later in the story they find a boxcar that they live in for a short period of … Read more

Ghost – book review

Ghost Track #1 by Jason Reynolds Realistic Fiction Sports * * * * Stars (Great!) Castle Cranshaw (aka Ghost) ends up on the Defenders track team after schooling one of its sprinters – even in rolled up jeans and old high tops, Ghost is faster.  Although Ghost isn’t really interested in running, Coach convinces him that it’ll help his basketball game.  While that isn’t necessarily true, Ghost discovers that he loves running and he likes … Read more

Thea Stilton and the Spanish Dance Mission – Read It and Rate It

Thea Stilton and the Spanish Dance Mission Geronimo Stilton series by Thea Stilton Adventure Fantasy Review #1 * * * * * Stars (Amazing!) The Thea sisters have another mission in Spain!  They have to help two rival families come together as one.  When their family fan disappears, the two families have to work together to get it back.  In the end, they realize that they should not be enemies, but friends.

Thea Stilton and the Journey to the Lion’s Den – Read It and Rate It

Thea Stilton and the Journey to the Lion’s Den Geronimo Stilton series by Thea Stilton Adventure Fantasy Review #1 * * * * * Stars (Amazing!) In Africa, on another mission, the Thea sisters go to an animal reserve to take pictures for a project for school.  But when a cub disappears they turn a school project into a mission.  They find out that their cub will be transported to another country and be sold … Read more

War I Finally Won – book review

The War I Finally Won by Kimberly Brubaker Bradley Historical Fiction Juvenile Fiction * * * * Stars (Great!) Ada and her brother Jaimie are now permanent wards of their guardian, Susan, who took them in when they were evacuated from London.  The first thing Susan does is arrange for Ada to have surgery to correct her clubfoot, which has long been a source of pain and shame for her.  The recovery process is long … Read more

Week in the Woods – Read It and Rate It

A Week in the Woods by Andrew Clements Adventure Realistic Fiction Review #1 * * * * Stars (Great!) Mark just moved to New Hampshire and his parents are really rich.  Mark and his science teacher do not get along, but they have to work together to help get themselves out of danger.  I liked this book because it was kind of exciting and the story was pretty good as well.