Fifty-Four Things Wrong with Gwendolyn Rogers – book review

Fifty-Four Things Wrong with Gwendolyn Rogers by Caela Carter Realistic Fiction Tween (grades 4-8) * * * * Stars (Great!) Gwendolyn Rogers is a neurodivergent 5th grader who, after hoping for a specific diagnosis that would allow her to receive some assistance in school and some understanding from her community only learns that there are 54 things wrong with her that don’t add up to anything. She obsesses over the list of things (which she … Read more

Dire Days of Willowweep Manor – book review

The Dire Days of Willowweep Manor by Shaenon K. Garrity & Christopher Baldwin Adventure Funny Graphic Novel Supernatural Tween * * * Stars (Pretty good) Haley loves gothic novels like “Wuthering Heights,” so she’s not too traumatized when she gets sucked into an alternate/gasket universe – Willowweep Manor – that follows all the same rules as the stories she adores. Unfortunately, Willowweep Manor is under attack by an evil being from another world that is … Read more

When Stars Are Scattered – book review

When Stars Are Scattered Victoria Jamieson & Omar Mohamed Graphic Novel Realistic Fiction (based on true story) Tween * * * * * Stars (Amazing!) Omar and his younger brother Hassan fled their village in Somalia when it was overrun by men with guns. They made their way, along with other refugees, to a camp in Kenya where they waited for years for something to happen – to find their mother who became separated from … Read more

Sunny Makes a Splash – book review

Sunny Makes a Splash Sunny #4 by Jennifer and Matthew Holm Graphic Novel Historical Fiction Realistic Fiction Tween (grades 4+) * * * * Stars (Great!) Summer is here! And most of Sunny’s friends are off doing other things while Sunny is home babysitting her little brother. Until she lucks into a job at the pool working at the concession stand. She makes lots of new friends there among the life guards and gets to … Read more

Horse Trouble – book review

Horse Trouble by Kristin Varner Juvenile Graphic Novel Realistic Fiction Tween * * * Stars (Pretty good) Kate is a middle schooler who loves horses and has been obsessed with them since she was 7 (she’s now 12). Although she can’t afford to have her own horse, she has been taking riding lessons over the past 4 years and is becoming an accomplished rider, though she does seem to fall off a lot. She pays … Read more

Witch Alone – book review

A Witch Alone Apprentice Witch #2 by James Nicol Fantasy Juvenile Fiction Mystery Tween Young Adult Fiction * * * Stars (Pretty good) Arianwyn’s experience with the forgotten glyphs brings her to the attention of the High Elder, who wants her to go on a quest to retrieve a special book that is supposed to contain more of them. Although Arianwyn will have companions, they aren’t allowed to reveal the true purpose of their mission. … Read more

Apprentice Witch – book review

The Apprentice Witch Apprentice Witch #1 by James Nicol Fantasy Tween * * * * * Stars (Amazing!) Something goes horribly wrong during Arianwyn’s assessment and it’s only through her powerful and respected grandmother’s influence that she’s given a position as an apprentice witch in the town of Lull, bordering the Great Wood (where all manner of dark and dangerous magical beings lurk). Despite her test results, Arianwyn does admirably well in her new position. … Read more

All the Greys on Greene Street – Read It and Rate It

All the Greys on Greene Street by Laura Tucker Realistic Fiction Juvenile Fiction Review #1 * (A waste of time!) This book was not what I was expecting. There were quite a few subplots within the main plot, none of which ever seemed to be tied off in the resolution. There was no resolution, no final ending. Olympia is an artist, along with her parents. Her father paints, her mother makes sculptures, and Olympia draws … Read more

Long Distance – book review

Long Distance by Whitney Gardner Graphic Novel Mystery Science Fiction Tween * * * Stars (Pretty good) Vega’s dads have just moved their family to Seattle, Washington, and they’re sending Vega to camp so she can make some new friends. Vega isn’t super keen on this idea. Although she misses her bff, Halley, Vega doesn’t think she needs any more friends in her life. Camp Very Best Friend is definitely weird. The counselors are creepily … Read more