Adventures of Tom Sawyer – Read It and Rate It

The Adventures of Tom Sawyer by Mark Twain Adventure Classic Historical Fiction Realistic Fiction Review # 1 * Star (A waste of time!) I hated this book because it was the most boring thing I have ever read in my life. It is about a young boy that likes to get in trouble. He does an array of bad things, from faking his own death to uncovering a scandal. Review # 2 * * Stars … Read more

Little House in the Big Woods – Read It and Rate It

Little House in the Big Woods Little House #1 by Laura Ingalls Wilder Historical Fiction Review #1 * * * * * Stars (Amazing!) Characters: Laura, Mary, Carrie, Ma, and Pa It’s a story of a girl named Laura and her family’s life in the big woods. I enjoyed this book because I love the author, Laura, and her books are so interesting and what makes it better is they’re true! Review #2 * * … Read more