Whatever After: If the Shoe Fits – Read It and Rate It

If the Shoe Fits Whatever After #2 by Sarah Mlynowski Adventure Fantasy Review #1 * * * * Stars (Great!) When Abby and Jonah knock on the mirror (again!), this time they fall into Cinderella’s story!!! And when they are trying to help Cinderella find some kind of job to get out of her evil stepmother’s house, they try cleaning (she hates cleaning). That doesn’t work. They try sewing (she’s not very good at sewing). … Read more

Whatever After: Fairest of All – Read It and Rate It

Fairest of All Whatever After #1 by Sarah Mlynowski Adventure Fantasy Review #1 * * * * Stars (Great!) Abby, a girl who wants to be a judge when she grows up, has just moved!!! New school, new friends, and new everything! During nighttime when she finds her brother knocking at a giant mirror in the basement, she finds the purple mirror hissing! (It turned purple and then it sucks Abby and Jonah in!!!) When … Read more

Tea Dragon Society – book review

The Tea Dragon Society by Katie O’Neill Fantasy Graphic Novel * * * * * Stars (Amazing!) Greta is training to become a blacksmith and isn’t really seeing the value in producing something like swords, which no one really uses anymore. Then she finds a tiny green dragon – one of the tea dragons – whose caretaker introduces her to the care and keeping of these special creatures and it opens her mind to the … Read more

Power of Poppy Pendle – Read It and Rate It

The Power of Poppy Pendle by Natasha Lowe Fantasy Review #1 * * * * Stars (Great!) This book is about a girl named Poppy Pendle who is born a witch. Her parents are very proud because they don’t have powers and Poppy got powers from her grandmother.  When Poppy turned 7 she went to a special school called Ruthersfield Academy. She does really well, but her real passion is baking, not magic. She tells … Read more

Lady Midnight – Read It and Rate It

Lady Midnight Dark Artifices #1 by Cassandra Clare Adventure Fantasy Mystery Romance Supernatural Thriller Review #1 * * * * * Stars (Amazing!) It is in the world of Shadowhunters and it is very well written.  You can never predict what is going to happen and that is what makes Cassandra Clare one of my favorite authors.  It follows a girl named Emma and her parabati – her sworn platonic partner for life, Julian.  She … Read more

Selection – Read It and Rate It

The Selection Selection #1 by Kiera Cass Dystopian Fantasy Realistic Fiction Romance Review #1 * * * * * Stars (Amazing!) “The Selection” was about a young prince who wanted to find love.  There were a lot of challenges with the person he wanted.  America didn’t want to find love, but she fell in love with Maxon.  I loved the book because it showed how difficult royal life could be. Review #2 * * Stars … Read more