Tea Dragon Tapestry – book review

The Tea Dragon Tapestry Tea Dragon Society #3 by Katie O’Neill Fantasy Graphic Novel Juvenile Fiction Teen Tween * * * * * Stars (Amazing!) Characters come together from the two previous books (The Tea Dragon Society and The Tea Dragon Festival) and continue to learn more about themselves and their tea dragons. Beautifully illustrated (the tea dragons themselves are so adorable!). Love the sense of love, community, and acceptance in these books. They just … Read more

Max & the Midknights – book review

Max & the Midknights #1 by Lincoln Peirce Adventure Fantasy Funny Illustrated fiction Juvenile Fiction Tween * * * * Stars (Great!) Max has no desire to be a troubadour like Uncle Budrick, but kids always end up following in the footsteps/trades of their families, so it seems inevitable. That all changes when they visit Byjovia – the kingdom where Budrick grew up and discover that the good and benevolent king has been supplanted by … Read more

Legends of Morana – Read It and Rate It

Legends of Morana by Ella Selvaggio Adventure Fantasy Review #1 * * * * * Stars (Amazing!) Legends of Morana is a book about a realm of dragons. This book is by a local author, and the suspense is woven throughout the story is written extremely well. Appollo and his friends live peacefully in a cave. Then Appollo finds a dragon egg, which then hatches into a dragonet named Blaze. Strange events start happening after … Read more

Tea Dragon Festival – book review

The Tea Dragon Festival by Katie O’Neill Fantasy Graphic Novel * * * * Stars (Great!) Rinn is out gathering herbs and vegetables one day when she comes across an ancient shrine and disturbs a sleeping dragon. The dragon, Aedhan was charged to look after the shrine and Rinn’s village, but fell into an enchanted sleep – 80 years ago – from which he has only just now been awakened. Rinn convinces Aedhan to return … Read more

Rowley Jefferson’s Awesome Friendly Adventure – book review

Rowley Jefferson’s Awesome Friendly Adventure by Jeff Kinney Adventure Fantasy Funny Realistic Fiction * * * * Stars (Great!) Rowley Jefferson writes his first wholesome fantasy adventure! And then makes the mistake (?) of sharing the first few chapters with his best friend Greg Heffley, who becomes his greatest fan and his greatest critic. Incorporating some of Greg’s suggestions and his own creativity, Rowley crafts a hilarious story that’s a mishmash of popular genres, well-worn … Read more

Radiant Road – book review

The Radiant Road by Katherine Catmull Fantasy * * * Stars (Pretty good) Clare and her father return to her mother’s ancestral home in Ireland after many years away and Clare becomes reacquainted with the Strange (what she calls the fae/faeries and their magic/makings) and her childhood friend, Finn, who is half-faerie. She learns that she is the protector of one of the faerie gates – an ancient yew tree growing right through the middle … Read more

Die: Fantasy Heartbreaker – book review

Die: Fantasy Heartbreaker Die #1 by Kieron Gillen Adventure Comics Fantasy Graphic Novel * * * * Stars (Great!) Dominic/Ash’s friend Solomon designs the ultimate rpg for Ash’s birthday. Unfortunately, it sucks their whole party into another world, where they are trapped for two years, until they’re able to beat it and find their way back home (think Jumanji). Sol doesn’t make it back. Now, the teens are in their forties and come together to … Read more

Empire of Bones – Read it and Rate It

Empire of Bones Ashtown Burials #3 by N.D. Wilson Adventure Fantasy Review #1 * * * * * Stars (Amazing!) Empire of Bones by N. D. Wilson is the 3rd & last book in the Ashtown burials series. This book is excellent and will pull anyone in to read it. What I liked about this book was that Cyrus & Antigone (the main characters) are extremely loving as a brother & sister. Family is very … Read more

Silmarillion – Read It and Rate It

The Silmarillion by J.R.R. Tolkien Adventure Fantasy Review #1 * * * * * Stars (Amazing!) The Silmarillion is the epic history of the Elves in Lord of the Rings. Tolkien writes a masterpiece here, as The Silmarillion is one of my favorite books. The stories contained within the book are all intriguing. Contained in Lord of the Rings is an excerpt from the Lay of Beren & Luthien. Here, The Silmarillion dives deeper into … Read more

Revelations – Read It and Rate It

Revelations Blue Bloods #3 by Melissa de la Cruz Fantasy Supernatural Review #1 * * * * * Stars (Amazing!) The book “Revelations” includes blue, red, and silver bloods. The red bloods are the humans, the blue bloods are vampires, and the silver bloods are vampires that used to be blue bloods, but their minds got corrupted by the devil and hurt the blue bloods and the devil got released from hell by a girl … Read more