Serpent’s Secret – book review

The Serpent’s Secret Kiranmala and the Kingdom Beyond #1 by Sayantani Dasgupta Adventure Fantasy Mythology Tween * * * Stars (Pretty good) Kiranmala thinks she’s just an ordinary Jersey kid, but on her 12th birthday, she finds out she’s really a princess from another dimension.  Before she can even really wrap her mind around that her guardians (people she’s thought were her parents all these years) are kidnapped, her house gets ransacked by a rakkhosh … Read more

Brave – book review

Brave sequel to Awkward by Svetlana Chmakova Graphic Novel Realistic Fiction * * * * Stars (Great!) Jensen is playing his way through each of his days of middle school like it’s a videogame – complete with monsters (other students who bully him) that he has to dodge between classes and after school.  He thought he was tight with some kids from the art club, but one of the girls there teases him constantly, and … Read more

Time Museum – book review

The Time Museum Book #1 by Matthew Loux Adventure Graphic Novel Mystery Science Fiction Suspense Thriller * * * * * Stars (Amazing!) While visiting her uncle over summer vacation Delia Bean follows a kiwi bird into the woods and discovers the Earth Time Museum.  It’s a museum of all of planet Earth’s history from all times – past, present, and future!  She learns her uncle runs the place and that he’d like her to … Read more

Hidden Oracle – book review

The Hidden Oracle The Trials of Apollo #1 by Rick Riordan Audio Edition Adventure Fantasy Mythology Mystery * * * * Stars (Great!) The Greek god, Apollo, has been transformed into a teenage boy named Lester – complete with acne and flab!  He’s not sure why he’s being punished (or what for), but he quickly discovers he’s in danger.  He’s lost most of his godly powers and those that remain are hampered by his mortal … Read more

Wrinkle in Time – Read It & Rate It

A Wrinkle in Time by Madeline L’Engle Adventure Graphic Novel edition Review #1 * * * * Stars (Great!) This book is about a family that lost their father but soon they will find these three mysterious ladies, Mrs. Who, Mrs. Whatsit, and Mrs. Which.  They will travel through the galaxy and discover new creatures.  I liked this book because there was a lot of action.

Laser Moose and Rabbit Boy series – book reviews

Drop everything and start reading these graphic novels (there are 2 so far) by Doug Savage about a Moose that shoots lasers from his eyes, and his sidekick/companion, Rabbit Boy and their adventures protecting their forest home from all sorts of dangers! Book #1 – Laser Moose and Rabbit Boy by Doug Savage Funny Graphic Novel Juvenile Fiction Science Fiction Young Adult Fiction * * * * Stars (Great!) Laser Moose and Rabbit Boy are … Read more

Skeleton Creek – Read It and Rate It

Skeleton Creek by Patrick Carman Mystery Suspense Thriller Review #1 * * * * * Stars (Amazing!) I always enjoy Patrick Carman’s books. I have read most of them, but this is by far one of his best books. I love the suspense in the story, how it keeps you on the edge of your seat.  The videos that go along with it make the story a lot more creepy and exciting. Thx, Patrick Carman!

Marika – Read It and Rate It

Marika by Andrea Cheng Historical Fiction Review #1 * * * * Stars (Great!) I love how this book informs us of all the struggles and all the horrific things Jews had to go through during the Holocaust. This book tells of a young girl who writes in a journal of all her experiences as a Jew. The book reminds us that the world is a horrible place.

Leyla: The Black Tulip – Read It and Rate It

Leyla: The Black Tulip Girls of Many Lands series by Alev Lytle Craitier Historical Fiction Review #1 * * * * * Stars (Amazing!) I love how it portrays a young girl who tries to do right but instead puts herself in a place of slavery.  As she goes through this, though, things start to get better.  The suspense in this story was awesome!  I love this book.  I just wish the author made a … Read more

Wish – Read It and Rate It

The Wish by Gail Carson Levine Realistic Fiction Review #1 * * * Stars (Pretty good) I liked this book because it shows what life can be like. It points out that not everyone is liked by others. There are some people who get secluded just because they are different.  The world can be a mean place, but sometimes you just have to force yourself to think positive and deal with it. Be the best … Read more