Whatever After: Sink or Swim – Read It and Rate It

Sink or Swim Whatever After #3 by Sarah Mlynowski Adventure Fantasy Review #1 * * * * Stars (Great!) Abby and Jonah go through the mirror again! This time they fall into the story of the Little Mermaid and it starts out in the water. When they finally swim to shore, they are in the Kingdom of Mustard (Prince Eric’s). When they try to find Ariel they take a painting of the prince and it … Read more

Seventh Most Important Thing – book review

The Seventh Most Important Thing by Shelley Pearsall Realistic Fiction * * * * Stars (Great!) Arthur Owens gets in trouble with the law when he throws a brick at a trash-picking, presumably homeless man he sees around his neighborhood. He’s sent to a juvenile delinquent facility for several weeks and at his trial it comes out that the reason he attacked the man was because he saw him wearing his recently-passed-away dad’s hat (his … Read more

Tennis Shoes Among the Nephites – Read It and Rate It

Tennis Shoes Among the Nephites Tennis Shoe Adventure series #1 by Christ Heimerdinger Adventure Mystery Review #1 * * * * * Stars (Amazing!) Jim Hawkins, Jennifer Hawkins, and Garth Plimpton are up for a big adventure. They travel to a cave following a trail that leads to a secret. They travel to an ancient world where they go through lots of breathtaking challenges. I definitely enjoyed this book. The history that I found from … Read more

Whatever After: If the Shoe Fits – Read It and Rate It

If the Shoe Fits Whatever After #2 by Sarah Mlynowski Adventure Fantasy Review #1 * * * * Stars (Great!) When Abby and Jonah knock on the mirror (again!), this time they fall into Cinderella’s story!!! And when they are trying to help Cinderella find some kind of job to get out of her evil stepmother’s house, they try cleaning (she hates cleaning). That doesn’t work. They try sewing (she’s not very good at sewing). … Read more

Whatever After: Fairest of All – Read It and Rate It

Fairest of All Whatever After #1 by Sarah Mlynowski Adventure Fantasy Review #1 * * * * Stars (Great!) Abby, a girl who wants to be a judge when she grows up, has just moved!!! New school, new friends, and new everything! During nighttime when she finds her brother knocking at a giant mirror in the basement, she finds the purple mirror hissing! (It turned purple and then it sucks Abby and Jonah in!!!) When … Read more

Surfside Girls: The Secret of Danger Point – book review

Surfside Girls: The Secret of Danger Point Surfside Girls #1 by Kim Dwinell Graphic Novel Mystery Supernatural * * * * Stars (Great!) Samantha and Jade (both 12) discover an underwater cave at Danger Point, which has just been bought by a developer that wants to put up a big hotel. When Sam explores further, she meets a whole host of ghosts who want her help to protect the land. Jade can’t see the ghosts, … Read more

Babysitter’s Club: The Truth About Stacey – Read It and Rate It

The Truth About Stacey Babysitter’s Club #3 by Raina Telgemeier Graphic Novel Realistic Fiction Review #1 * * * * * Stars (Amazing!) In this book we learn about when Stacey gets her diabetes and how she lived in New York.  The Babysitter’s Club also faces some difficulties.  The reason I gave it 5 stars was because I read it in one day!

House of Dies Drear – Read It and Rate It

House of Dies Drear by Virginia Hamilton Historical Fiction Mystery Supernatural Review #1 * * * Stars (Pretty good) This book is about a family that moves into a house called Dies Drear. Thomas, the 13-year-old, discovers different secret passages hidden in the house.  Strange, weird things start happening. Will they solve the mystery or will it end up as a mystery forever?

Babysitter’s Club: Kristy’s Great Idea – Read It and Rate It

The Babysitter’s Club: Kristy’s Great Idea Babysitter’s Club #1 by Ann M. Martin Graphic Novel Realistic Fiction Review #1 * * * * * Stars (Amazing!) This book is about Kristy’s great idea to start a babysitter’s club.  They all have issues with their families and each other.  I love how Ann M. Martin makes the story interesting and frustrating at the same time.  It’s like moving your emotions through the story.  The reason I … Read more