Just Mercy – Read It and Rate It

Just Mercy: A True Story of the Fight for Justice (adapted for young adults) by Bryan Stevenson Autobiography Criminal Justice Equal Rights LawNonfiction Thriller Review #1 * * * * * Stars (Amazing!) A lawyer and social justice advocate Bryan Stevenson tells us the stories and experiences he goes through raising awareness to the social injustices of many he had as clients. I was absolutely devastated by the stories of the imprisoned who Bryan fought … Read more

Astronauts – book review

Astronauts: Women on the Final Frontier written by Jim Ottaviani illustrated by Maris Wicks Biography Graphic Novel History Nonfiction Tween (grades 5+), Teen, Adult * * * * Stars (Great!) This nonfiction graphic novel written from the point of view of astronaut Mary Cleave, tells the story of how women made their way into space (specifically looks at the history and achievements of Russian and American female astronauts)! It was initially a struggle to get … Read more

Possums Are NOT Cute! – book review

Possums Are NOT Cute! And Other Myths About Nature’s Most Misunderstood Critter by Ally Burguieres Nonfiction (for 5th grade – adult) * * * * Stars (Great!) Ally Burguieres got involved with wildlife rehabilitation (specifically helping opossums survive illness, injury, and loss) and never looked back! She discovered that many of the ideas people held about opossums were misconceptions – they were not ugly, dirty, or aggressive. In fact, they were adorable, clean, shy, and … Read more

Full Out – Read It and Rate It

Full Out by Monica Aldama Nonfiction Review #1 * * * * Stars (Great!) This book gives the background of Monica Aldama’s life leading up to her career coaching the Navarro College cheerleading team and its popularity after the Netflix original, “Cheer,” was released. She includes tips and tricks she picked up on throughout life that influenced her decisions and leadership. I really enjoyed how she explained the things she learned and experienced, and connected … Read more

Lies My Teacher Told Me (Young Readers’) – book review

Lies My Teacher Told Me Young Readers’ Edition by James Loewen adapted by Rebecca Stefoff Young Adult Nonfiction * * * * Stars (Great) US history textbooks are often sanitized so as not to offend, scandalize, or expose youth to uncomfortable/unpleasant truths, but can leave learners with misconceptions about the history of their country. Students aren’t given the opportunity to see or discuss or research different viewpoints, get a sense of how historical events are … Read more

Running with Sherman – book review

Running with Sherman by Christopher McDougall Biography Nonfiction Adults/teens * * * * Stars (Great!) Christopher McDougall and his family rescue a donkey (Sherman) from a hoarding situation and work hard to bring him back to health. Sherman surprises them all with his determination to survive and overcome his previous circumstances and McDougall comes up with the wild idea of training and entering him in a team long-distance donkey race. Recruiting family, friends, and neighbors, … Read more

Fuzz – book review

Fuzz: When Nature Breaks the Law by Mary Roach Nonfiction Adults/older teens * * * * Stars (Great!) What happens as human and animal habitats overlap more and more? What do we do about bears that break into dumpsters and houses and vehicles? Birds that swarm farms, crops, and airfields? And other creatures that make pests of themselves? Communities have tried all kinds of solutions ranging from extermination to relocation and all kinds of interesting options … Read more

How Stella Learned to Talk – book review

How Stella Learned to Talk: The Groundbreaking Story of the World’s First Talking Dog by Christina Hunger Autobiography Biography Nonfiction Adult (but teens may enjoy!) * * * * * Stars (Amazing!) When Christina and her boyfriend decided to adopt a puppy, they started to notice the many ways that Stella (the dog) tried to communicate with them. Christina, a recently qualified speech pathologist, had received all kinds of specialized training in helping nonverbal children … Read more

All Creatures Great and Small – book review

All Creatures Great and Small by James Herriot Autobiography Biography Classics Funny Nonfiction * * * * Stars (Great!) Follows James Herriot’s adventures as a newly qualified vet working under his slightly more experienced senior vet in the boonies of Yorkshire, where he meets a variety of memorable farmers and pet owners and falls in love with the people and the land. Follows his first couple of years working for the practice. Homey, hilarious and … Read more

I Hate Running and You Can Too – book review

I Hate Running and You Can Too: How to Get Started, Keep Going, and Make Sense of an Irrational Passion by Brendan Leonard Nonfiction * * * * * Stars (Amazing!) Despite being a ultrarunner, Brendan Leonard mostly hates running except when he loves it briefly. This is a short, encouraging, and realistic look at how you can start your own love-hate relationship with it. It might get you out the door and on your … Read more