Out of the Dust – Read It and Rate It

Out of the Dust by Karen Hesse Historical Fiction Novel in Verse Review #1 * * Stars (Just ok) “Out of the Dust” by Karen Hesse tells the story of Billie Jo, a young girl growing up in Oklahoma during the Dust Bowl. Through a series of free-verse poems, Billie Jo narrates her struggles with the harsh environment, the death of her mother, her physical and emotional scars, and rebuilding her life and family back … Read more

Believarexic – book review

Believarexic by JJ Johnson Realistic Fiction Novel in Verse (partly) * * * Stars (Pretty good) Jennifer (15) is an alcoholic and has an eating disorder that she’s been hiding for some time. She realizes that she’s sick, and that she will need help to heal, but her family is skeptical – is this just another case of Jennifer seeking attention and being dramatic? Still, her mother makes an appointment for her to be evaluated … Read more

Alone – book review

Alone by Megan E. Freeman Novel in Verse Realistic Fiction Survival Suspense Tween (grades 6+) * * * Stars (Pretty good) Maddie and her friends plan a sleepover at her grandmother’s apartment while grandma is away. Everyone is supposed to lie to their parents about where they’ll be, so Maddie’s parents, who are divorced, each think she is staying with the other one. Their plans fall through, so Maddie winds up being the only one … Read more

Home of the Brave – book review

Home of the Brave by Katherine Applegate Novel in Verse Realistic Fiction Tween (grades 4-8) * * * * Stars (Great!) Kek is young boy who comes to America from a refugee camp in Africa to stay with relatives. His father and older brother were shot by men who came to their village. He ran when they came, and was separated from his mother. Now he doesn’t where she is or if she even survived, … Read more

Rez Dogs – book review

Rez Dogs by Joseph Bruchac Novel in Verse Realistic Fiction for tweens (grades 4-8) * * * * Stars (Great!) Malian is visiting her grandparents on the Wabanaki reservation when the pandemic forces everyone to lock down. She can’t return to her family in the city, so she tries to make the best of a flaky internet connection to keep up with her classes, and phone calls and video chats with her folks. Shortly after … Read more

Perfect (Hopkins) – Read It and Rate It

Perfect Impulse #2 by Ellen Hopkins Novel in Verse Realistic Fiction Review #1 “Perfect” was a story about four teens POV about their “perfect” life.  Cara’s brother has committed suicide, but failed, and Cara has chosen to become a lesbian. Andre wants to dance, Kendra is anorexic, Jenna is dating a black teen, Sean stalks for love – all of these problems because of the “perfect” lives they live in. I adored this book, because … Read more

Diamond Willow – Read It and Rate It

Diamond Willow by Helen Frost Novel in Verse Realistic Fiction Review # 1 * * * * * Stars (Amazing!) Diamond Willow is about a girl named Diamond Willow who loves dog sledding.  But, when her lead dog (Roxy) gets badly hurt because of Willow, her world changes.  Will Willow be able to save Roxy or will there be one less dog on their team?  

Language Inside – book review

The Language Inside by Holly Thompson Novel in verse Realistic Fiction * * * * Stars (Great!) Emma Karas’ family moves back to Massachusetts from Japan, where she has lived her whole life, when her mother is diagnosed with breast cancer.  It is right after the Tsunami disaster strikes and Emma feels terrible that she can’t be with her friends and their loved ones, helping them in the aftermath.  Although she’s fluent in English, Emma … Read more

One of Those Hideous Books Where the Mother Dies – Read It and Rate It

One of Those Hideous Books Where the Mother Dies by Sonya Sones Novel in Verse Realistic Fiction Review #1 * * * Stars (Pretty good) 15 year old Ruby’s life is changed with a blink of an eye. One moment she’s with her mom, the next her mother is dead. Ruby is sent to Los Angeles, or “Lost” Angeles as she calls it, to live with her movie star dad who’s never been a part … Read more

Shark Girl – Read It and Rate It

Shark Girl by Kelly Bingham Novel in Verse Realistic Fiction * * * * * Stars (Amazing!) The book Shark Girl is about Jane, a regular 15-year old girl attacked by a shark on a regular day at the beach…or so Jane thought. Jane woke up in a coma 10 days later, realizing they amputated her arm. Leaving Jane learning again. The main characters are Jane, Michael, and their mother. Other characters are Lindsey, Justin, … Read more