I Woke Up Dead at the Mall – book review

I Woke Up Dead at the Mall by Judy Sheehan Funny Mystery Supernatural Suspense YA Fiction * * * Stars (Pretty good) Sarah wakes up dead at the mall and discovers she was murdered at her dad’s wedding reception.  Bertha, an angel and death counselor, meets with her and several other recently murdered teens to help them resolve their unfinished business and move on to whatever comes next (for most, being reborn and having another … Read more

Smile – Read It and Rate It

Smile by Raina Telgemeier Autobiography Biography Graphic novel Nonfiction Review #1 * * * * Stars (Great!) Very captivating. Love the pictures.  The story is so believable. I can so relate to her getting braces. Her whole family is pretty much EXACTLY like mine. CREEPY. Review #2 * * * * Stars (Great!) I liked “Smile” because the girl in “Smile” Raina had a lot of things happen to her teeth. She knocked her adult … Read more

Wrinkle in Time – Read It & Rate It

A Wrinkle in Time by Madeline L’Engle Adventure Graphic Novel edition Review #1 * * * * Stars (Great!) This book is about a family that lost their father but soon they will find these three mysterious ladies, Mrs. Who, Mrs. Whatsit, and Mrs. Which.  They will travel through the galaxy and discover new creatures.  I liked this book because there was a lot of action.

Radium Girls – book review

Radium Girls by Kate Moore Nonfiction * * * * Stars (Great!) During WWI a number of young women worked in factories as dial painters – using radium paint to illuminate the numbers and dials of wristwatches and console panels.  They did not know then that radium was harmful.  Over time, these women developed terrible and debilitating illnesses, many of which proved to be fatal.  Those that sought medical assistance were often misdiagnosed and all … Read more

La Belle Sauvage – book review

La Belle Sauvage Book of Dust #1 by Philip Pullman Adventure Fantasy Suspense Thriller * * * * Stars (Great!) In this first book of a series that takes place prior The Golden Compass, Malcolm (12 years old) learns of the existence of baby Lyra (said to be the child of Lord Asrael and Mrs. Coulter) who comes to be looked after by the nuns at a nearby convent where Malcolm helps out.  He becomes … Read more

One – book review

One by Sarah Crossan Novel in Verse Realistic Fiction * * * * Stars (Great!) Grace and Tippy are teenaged conjoined (from the waist down) twins who are going to attend private school for the first time (they were homeschooled before) and they’re nervous about how people will react to them. Going out in public is usually an ordeal for them as everyone stares.  But, they make a couple of friends quickly and school isn’t … Read more

Laser Moose and Rabbit Boy series – book reviews

Drop everything and start reading these graphic novels (there are 2 so far) by Doug Savage about a Moose that shoots lasers from his eyes, and his sidekick/companion, Rabbit Boy and their adventures protecting their forest home from all sorts of dangers! Book #1 – Laser Moose and Rabbit Boy by Doug Savage Funny Graphic Novel Juvenile Fiction Science Fiction Young Adult Fiction * * * * Stars (Great!) Laser Moose and Rabbit Boy are … Read more

Skeleton Creek – Read It and Rate It

Skeleton Creek by Patrick Carman Mystery Suspense Thriller Review #1 * * * * * Stars (Amazing!) I always enjoy Patrick Carman’s books. I have read most of them, but this is by far one of his best books. I love the suspense in the story, how it keeps you on the edge of your seat.  The videos that go along with it make the story a lot more creepy and exciting. Thx, Patrick Carman!

Marika – Read It and Rate It

Marika by Andrea Cheng Historical Fiction Review #1 * * * * Stars (Great!) I love how this book informs us of all the struggles and all the horrific things Jews had to go through during the Holocaust. This book tells of a young girl who writes in a journal of all her experiences as a Jew. The book reminds us that the world is a horrible place.

Leyla: The Black Tulip – Read It and Rate It

Leyla: The Black Tulip Girls of Many Lands series by Alev Lytle Craitier Historical Fiction Review #1 * * * * * Stars (Amazing!) I love how it portrays a young girl who tries to do right but instead puts herself in a place of slavery.  As she goes through this, though, things start to get better.  The suspense in this story was awesome!  I love this book.  I just wish the author made a … Read more