Mobile Suit Gundam: The Origin (series) – Read It and Rate It

Mobile Suit Gundam: The Origin (series) by Yoshikazu Yasuhiko Adventure Manga Science Fiction Review #1 * * * * * Stars (Amazing!) “Mobile Suit Gundam: The Origin” is a manga series detailing a war between the Earth Federation and the Principality of Zeon. In the distant future, humanity is forced to build colonies in outer space due to overpopulation. These colonies soon revolt, wishing to become independent. Both sides of the war start an arms race, … Read more

Minecraft: The Secret Treasure – Read It and Rate It

Minecraft: The Secret Treasure Minecraft #1 by Winter Morgan Adventure Review #1 * * * * Stars (Great!) It starts out with two minecrafters named Rose and Noah who are trying to get their town back from Griefers. They meet four other people along the way called Hannah, Ben, Girl in the Red Jumpsuit and also Khile. The reason why I liked this book was because they didn’t just end the book, they made a … Read more

Fahrenheit 451 – Read It and Rate It

Fahrenheit 451 by Ray Bradbury Classics Dystopian Science Fiction Review #1 * * * Stars (Pretty good) It’s about a future American society where books are illegal. If you have one it is required you get rid of it or you will be prosecuted. I liked it, but at the same time didn’t like it because it’s interesting why they didn’t want to learn anything new, they thought they knew everything they needed to. Didn’t … Read more

Power of Poppy Pendle – Read It and Rate It

The Power of Poppy Pendle by Natasha Lowe Fantasy Review #1 * * * * Stars (Great!) This book is about a girl named Poppy Pendle who is born a witch. Her parents are very proud because they don’t have powers and Poppy got powers from her grandmother.  When Poppy turned 7 she went to a special school called Ruthersfield Academy. She does really well, but her real passion is baking, not magic. She tells … Read more

Danny the Champion of the World – Read It and Rate It

Danny the Champion of the World by Roald Dahl Realistic Fiction Review #1 * * * * * Stars (Amazing!) “Danny, the Champion of the World” is about a kid named Danny who is maybe the best mechanic under 7 and his dad.  They live in a caravan and one night Danny’s dad tells him the deepest, darkest secret ever.  You see, all parents, even great ones like Danny’s dad, or even your own parents. … Read more

Trackers: Glyphmaster – Read It and Rate It

Glyphmaster Trackers #1 by Patrick Carman Adventure Mystery Thriller Review #1 * * * * * Stars (Amazing!) “Trackers” is a great book for when you’re craving suspense and ADVENTURE. It is a very unique book, too. The author tells the story in a very different way. Can’t wait for Book Two! Review #2 * * * * * Stars (Amazing!) I was very intrigued by the very first page. I love the way Mr. … Read more

Forgive Me, Leonard Peacock – Read It and Rate It

Forgive Me, Leonard Peacock by Matthew Quick Realistic Fiction Review #1 * * * Stars (Pretty good) This book is about a 17 year old boy named Leonard Peacock.  He strongly dislikes Asher Beal and plans to kill him then himself afterwards.  Before he decides to give little gifts to everyone that made a positive impact in his life.  I didn’t like how the book didn’t have much action in it and it was a … Read more

Ms Marvel comics – book review

Ms. Marvel comics written by G. Willow Wilson illustrated by Mirka Andolfo, Takeshi Miyazawa, & Francesco Gaston Comics Funny Supernatural * * * * * Stars (Amazing!) If you aren’t already reading Ms. Marvel, you should drop everything now and start.  She’s a smart, funny, Muslim teenager who develops superpowers and must choose how to use them responsibly while maintaining her friendships and being part of her close-knit family.  There are lots of timely topics … Read more

Hate U Give – book review

The Hate U Give by Angie Thomas Realistic Fiction * * * * * Stars (Amazing!) Starr Carter (16, black) lives in the neighborhood and works at her father’s store, but attends a mostly white school.  She feels like she is two different people in each of these worlds and that she doesn’t quite fit in anywhere.  When her friend, Kenya (sister of her half-brother Seven), invites her to a party in the neighborhood, Starr … Read more