Xenocide – Read It and Rate It

Xenocide Ender’s Game #3 by Orson Scott Card Science Fiction Review #1 * * * * Stars (Great!) In Xenocide, Ender hopes he has found a sustainable home for the Hive Queen on Lusitania, a rebellious world to the Federation of Planets. Meanwhile, on Path, which is an old Chinese world, the computer program known as Jane, is working with mere civilians to save Lusitania from the Doctor Device, or the Molecular Disruption Device.

Speaker for the Dead – Read It and Rate It

Speaker for the Dead Ender’s Game #2 by Orson Scott Card Science Fiction Review #1 * * * Stars (Pretty good) Speaker for the Dead takes you into about one thousand years after Ender’s victory in war, because he is traveling at relativistic speeds trying to find a new home for the Hive Queen of the alien race he vanquished. The book is very predictable because each vignette includes Ender Speaking someone’s funeral as a … Read more

Ender’s Game – Read It and Rate It

Ender’s Game by Orson Scott Card Science Fiction Review #1 * * * * Stars (Great!) Ender’s Game was interesting because of the way it viewed the psychological aspects of children when subjected to war versus an alien race. The only reason I didn’t give the book five stars is because the end of the story got drab and boring very quickly. Overall, Ender’s Game was a good book, possibly worthy of 4 1/2 stars.

Illuminae – book review

Illuminae Illuminae Files #1 by Amie Kaufman & Jay Kristoff Science Fiction Suspense/Thriller * * * * Stars (Great!) Kady breaks up with her boyfriend Ezra just hours before their world (a secret mining colony on Kerenza) is attacked by outside corporate interest BeiTech.  They manage to put their differences aside long enough to survive and escape, but they end up on different ships.  Kady finds herself on the Hypatia, while Ezra is conscripted into … Read more

Saving the World and Other Extreme Sports – Read It and Rate It

Saving the World and Other Extreme Sports Maximum Ride #3 by James Patterson Adventure Science Fiction Review #1 * * * * Stars (Great!) This book is great. This is the third book in the Maximum Ride series. The reason I called this book great and not amazing is because there are some parts in the book where you are like, “I can’t believe they are doing this; I don’t want to read on and … Read more

Girl Who Could Fly – Read It and Rate It

The Girl Who Could Fly by Victoria Forester Science Fiction Supernatural Review #1 * * * * Stars (Great!) The Girl Who Could Fly is about a girl named Piper who can fly and is sent to a government place where all kids with powers go.  She and her friends find that the place is evil and is trying to stop their powers and they make a plan to escape.  I love this book because … Read more

Hypnotists – Read It and Rate It

The Hypnotists Hypnotists #1 by Gordon Korman Adventure Science Fiction Supernatural Review #1 Jax Opus’s family is one of the most powerful families of Hypnotists in the world, and Jax doesn’t even know it until he meets Dr. Elias Mako, who wants to teach Jax to use his power. But what will Dr. Mako use Jax’s powers for – good or evil?  And when he finds out, will Jax join him or not?