Father and I Were Ranchers – Read It and Rate It

Father and I Were Ranchers Little Britches #1 by Ralph Moody Biography Nonfiction Review #1 * * * * * Stars (Amazing!) Little Britches is a book that depicts strong emotions. Ralph and his family move to Colorado for Ralph’s father’s lungs. They think they are journeying to a developed ranch, and instead, they find a three-room cabin. The story continues with Ralph’s family trying life on the ranch, from scratch. They have to raise … Read more

Dear Celiac – Read It and Rate It

Dear Celiac by Kristen Adam Nonfiction Review #1 * * * * * Stars (Amazing!) Dear Celiac by Kristen Adam is a book any kid (or grownup) with celiac should read. This book takes you through Kristen’s personal journey with celiac. since several people I know have Celiac, this book really rings true with me. The emotions in this book are depicted extremely well. I definitely recommend this book for anyone to read to understand … Read more

Through Russian Snows – Read It and Rate It

Through Russian Snows by G.A. Henty Historical Fiction Review #1 * * * * * Stars (Amazing!) This book is about Napoleon’s retreat through Russia. There are two brothers, named Julian and Frank. Julian enlists with the French because he was captured by smugglers. Frank enlists with the English because his father was in the army. Will the two boys survive the numerous battles? This book will pull you in and have you wanting to … Read more

Mindwar – Read It and Rate It

Mindwar by Andrew Klavan Adventure Review #1 * * * * * Stars (Amazing!) Mindwar by Andrew Klavan is a book that is amazing! Rick is the football star of his team until a car accident happens. Rick is mad at himself, and at his dad, who left his family earlier. Then the FBI finds Rick. They send him on a mission, into the Realm. Will Rick survive? Will he find out the truth about … Read more

Zane and the Hurricane – Read It and Rate It

Zane and the Hurricane: A Story of Katrina by Rodman Philbrick Adventure Realistic Fiction Thriller Review #1 * * * * Stars (Great!) Zane and the Hurricane is another amazing book by Rodman Philbrick. This is an excellent read. Zane learns that he has a grandmother, and he goes to spend the summer with her. At church, he listens to her amazing voice. Then Hurricane Katrina comes in. In the evacuation, Zane’s dog Bandy (Bandit) … Read more

Wildfire – Read It and Rate It

Wildfire by Rodman Philbrick Adventure Realistic Fiction Review #1 * * * * * Stars (Amazing!) “Wildfire” is a wildly thrilling book of survival. Sam Castine is at his wilderness camp when a wildfire arrives. He runs back into the camp because his phone is still there. He worries about his mom, and how the news will affect her. He meets and bonds with a girl named Delphy. When they run into a group of … Read more

Empire of Bones – Read it and Rate It

Empire of Bones Ashtown Burials #3 by N.D. Wilson Adventure Fantasy Review #1 * * * * * Stars (Amazing!) Empire of Bones by N. D. Wilson is the 3rd & last book in the Ashtown burials series. This book is excellent and will pull anyone in to read it. What I liked about this book was that Cyrus & Antigone (the main characters) are extremely loving as a brother & sister. Family is very … Read more

Silmarillion – Read It and Rate It

The Silmarillion by J.R.R. Tolkien Adventure Fantasy Review #1 * * * * * Stars (Amazing!) The Silmarillion is the epic history of the Elves in Lord of the Rings. Tolkien writes a masterpiece here, as The Silmarillion is one of my favorite books. The stories contained within the book are all intriguing. Contained in Lord of the Rings is an excerpt from the Lay of Beren & Luthien. Here, The Silmarillion dives deeper into … Read more

Lords of Discipline – Read It and Rate It

Lords of Discipline by Pat Conroy Realistic Fiction Review #1 * * * * * Stars (Amazing!) This book follows 4 cadets who attend a military college and have to deal with the constant hazing and secretiveness of the Institute. They must band together to uncover the secrets of a group called “The Ten,” and struggle to make it to graduation. This was one of my favorite books that we had to read because of … Read more