Wizard of Earthsea – Read It and Rate It

A Wizard of Earthsea Earthsea Cycle #1 by Ursula K. Le Guin Fantasy Review #1 * * * Stars (Pretty good) Overall, I enjoyed reading this book. It is a fantasy novel that includes magic and dragons in a tale about a boy evolving and making things right. In summary, this book takes you on a journey about a boy who makes an awful mistake, and is faced with many fears along the way of … Read more

Every Last Word – Read It and Rate It

Every Last Word by Tamara Ireland Stone Realistic Fiction Romance Review #1 * * * * Stars (Great!) This book is very, very, very good, but not quite amazing. First of all the book is basically about a girl named Sam, and her battle against OCD. OCD being obsessive compulsive disorder, and she is obsessed with information and the number three. Well, Sam is in this group of friends called the crazy eights, but she feels like … Read more

Elite – Read It and Rate It

The Elite Selection #2 Dystopian Romance Review #1 * Star (A waste of time!) This is my second book review for Kiera Cass’s series, The Selection. The Elite continues with America Singer who finds herself among the Elite, the final six contestants competing for the chance to marry Prince Maxon. Although America realizes her feelings for Maxon, she also realizes she still has feelings for her first love, Aspen. America also questions whether she will … Read more

Opposite of Love – Read It and Rate It

Opposite of Love by Sarah Lynn Scheerger Realistic Fiction Romance Review #1 * * * Stars (Pretty good) I honestly thought this book could have been better. First of all, it is definitely a romance novel if I ever saw one, because it talks about love and how they met and the struggles of their relationship and all that. You could probably find that in any romance book. I also liked the part where he … Read more

Maze Runner – Read It and Rate It

Maze Runner Maze Runner #1 by James Dashner Science Fiction Review #1 * * * * Stars (Great!) It’s a life or death situation as people are doing an experiment on a big group of people. It never stops for these guys. I liked this book because it showed great emotion.  Review #2 * * * * * Stars (Amazing!) Thomas, the main character wakes up in an elevator and has no memory of before. … Read more

These Shallow Graves – Read It and Rate It

These Shallow Graves by Jennifer Donnelly Adventure Historical Fiction Mystery Romance Thriller Review #1 * * * * * Stars (Amazing!) This book is like the 21st century Nancy Drew. It is an amazing murder mystery novel that has many twists and turns at the end. It is soooo good, because the characters have very good personalities and are very intricate. Also, you never see the ending coming. Well, you sort of do if you’re … Read more

Schizo – Read It and Rate It

Schizo by Nic Sheff Mystery Realistic Fiction Review #1 A boy named Miles has schizophrenia. The day he had his first episode, his brother goes missing. Miles tries to find him, and searches for every clue. He later finds out that he didn’t have a brother, that his condition made him believe that he did. I liked the twist ending and didn’t like the ongoing search for clues. 

Unbroken – Read It and Rate It

Unbroken by Laura Hillenbrand Biography Nonfiction Review #1 * * * * Stars (Great!) I liked the book, since it was nonfiction, but felt as though it was made up. The main character, Louis, is a great athlete and is able to compete at the Berlin Olympics, and is even able to meet Hitler himself. Louis is drafted and joins the Air Force, only to have his plane shot down. Louis survives the Pacific Ocean, … Read more

Lunar Chronicles series – Read It and Rate It

Lunar Chronicles series by Marissa Meyer Adventure Fantasy Mystery Romance Science Fiction Thriller Review #1 * * * * * Stars (Amazing!) Get lost in the Lunar Chronicles, it’s a fun-filled and exciting adventure kind of book series. You’ll meet many new people who you’ll fall in love with. The book starts out with showing the main problem, then as the series goes on it shows how this problem came to be. Queen Levana and … Read more