Welcome to St. Hell – book review

Welcome to St. Hell: My Trans Teen Misadventure Lewis Hancox Autobiography Biography Graphic Novel * * * * Stars (Great!) Lewis Hancox looks back on (visits) his younger self, Lois, who felt awkward and wrong in her body until she realized that she was actually he/him, Lewis. This follows his story into young adulthood (through middle and high school and a bit beyond) with all of the usual teen angst PLUS a really rocky journey … Read more

Smaller Sister – book review

Smaller Sister by Maggie Edkins Willis Graphic Novel Realistic Fiction Tween * * * * Stars (Great!) Lucy and Olivia are sisters and best friends – they even have their own secret code. Once Olivia becomes a teenager, though, things start to change. She becomes anxious and depressed and obsesses over her body/how she looks. Worst of all, she no longer has time or energy or patience for younger Lucy. When Olivia is officially diagnosed … Read more

Across the Green Grass Fields – book review

Across the Green Grass Fields Wayward Children #6 Seanine McGuire Fantasy Adult Fiction * * * * Stars (Great!) When her BFF betrays her, Regan runs away and discovers a door into another world. She finds herself in the Hooflands, guest of a group of all-female centaur unicorn herders. They tell her she’s going to save their world, but Regan has no idea how or what to do. At first she wants to go home … Read more

We Are Okay – book review

We Are Okay by Nina LaCour LGBTQ+ Realistic Fiction Young Adult Fiction * * * * Stars (Great!) When Marin’s grandfather passed away and she learned some uncomfortable truths about secrets he had been hiding from her, she immediately cut ties and left her old life, friends, and relationships behind. She spent the week before her college classes officially started living in a motel room and thinking and simultaneously trying not to think about what … Read more

Different Kinds of Fruit – book review

Different Kinds of Fruit by Kyle Lukoff LGBTQ+ Realistic Fiction Tween * * * * Stars (Great!) When Annabelle returns for her final year at school (6th grade) there are two surprises waiting for her. The first is a new teacher who is interested in students’ input to create their social studies curriculum for the year. The second is a new student – Bailey – who uses they/them pronouns and helps Annabelle learn more about … Read more

My Sister’s Big Fat Indian Wedding – book review

My Sister’s Big Fat Indian Wedding by Sajni Patel Realistic Fiction Romance Suspense * * * Stars (Pretty good) Zurika’s older sister has pulled out all the stops and is about to be married Bollywood style – a big, fat, Indian wedding, with singing, dancing, and all of the traditional trappings. Zurika is happy for her, don’t get her wrong, but she’s hoping to get into a prestigious musical program/college where she can develop her … Read more

Once More Upon a Time – book review

Once More Upon a Time by Roshani Chokshi Fairytale Retelling Fantasy * * * * Stars (Great!) Here’s what happens after the official story of the Twelve Dancing Princesses comes to an end. One of the princesses meets and marries the love of her life, but before they have a chance to experience married bliss, Imelda is poisoned and when her new husband Ambrose vows to do anything to save her, the price is their … Read more

Legend of Auntie Po – book review

The Legend of Auntie Po by Shing Yin Khor Graphic Novel Historical Fiction Tween Grades 6+ * * * * Stars (Great!) It’s 1885, and Mei lives in a logging camp with her father who runs the kitchen, while she makes the most delicious pies. She sees all of the inequalities between the white workers and the Chinese ones (and other people of color), though – in pay, room and board. She also sees it … Read more

Miss Quinces – book review

Miss Quinces By Kat Fajardo Graphic Novel Realistic Fiction Tween (grades 6+) * * * * Stars (Great!) Suyapa loves manga and drawing comics and wishes she could go to summer camp with her friends (who are into the same things), but her mami is very strict (she says NO, absolutely not), and the family is going to Honduras to visit family. While they are there, Suyapa learns that her mami has planned a surprise … Read more

Astronauts – book review

Astronauts: Women on the Final Frontier written by Jim Ottaviani illustrated by Maris Wicks Biography Graphic Novel History Nonfiction Tween (grades 5+), Teen, Adult * * * * Stars (Great!) This nonfiction graphic novel written from the point of view of astronaut Mary Cleave, tells the story of how women made their way into space (specifically looks at the history and achievements of Russian and American female astronauts)! It was initially a struggle to get … Read more