Apprentice Witch – book review

The Apprentice Witch Apprentice Witch #1 by James Nicol Fantasy Tween * * * * * Stars (Amazing!) Something goes horribly wrong during Arianwyn’s assessment and it’s only through her powerful and respected grandmother’s influence that she’s given a position as an apprentice witch in the town of Lull, bordering the Great Wood (where all manner of dark and dangerous magical beings lurk). Despite her test results, Arianwyn does admirably well in her new position. … Read more

Words in Deep Blue – book review

Words in Deep Blue by Cath Crowley Realistic Fiction Romance (sort of) Teen * * * * Stars (Great!) Rachel and Henry were best friends for years and just when Rachel decided to declare her love for him, pretty, perky Amy came along and swept him off his feet, but was wrong for him in so many other ways. Rachel moved away and successfully put Henry out of her mind and started dating someone else, … Read more

We Are the Ants – book review

We Are the Ants by Shaun David Hutchinson LGBTQ+ Magical Realism Realistic Fiction Science Fiction Teen * * * * Stars (Great!) Henry Denton has been abducted by aliens countless times. They perform all kinds of experiments on him, then return him to Earth – naked and inconveniently far from home. He made the mistake of talking about it once, which earned him eternal bullying and the moniker “Space Boy.” Now the aliens have given … Read more

Ash and Quill – book review

Ash and Quill Great Library #3 by Rachel Caine Fantasy Suspense Thriller Teen * * * * Stars (Great!) #3 in the Great Library series – Jess and his friends narrowly avoid capture by the Library’s High Garda, but land themselves in the hands of a whole city (Philadelphia) of book burners. When their attempts to convince the Burners to aid them fail, they come up with another escape plan, but at a terrible cost … Read more

What Goes Up – book review

What Goes Up by Katie Kennedy Funny Science Fiction Teen * * * * Stars (Great!) Eddie, Rosa, Trevor, and Brad (among others) are vying for a coveted space on NASA’s Interworlds Agency team. After a battery of tests measuring not only their mental and physical aptitude, the ranks have been thinned. Those who are ultimately selected will undergo a rigorous training program that will teach them how to pilot a spacecraft, survive outside of … Read more

Long Distance – book review

Long Distance by Whitney Gardner Graphic Novel Mystery Science Fiction Tween * * * Stars (Pretty good) Vega’s dads have just moved their family to Seattle, Washington, and they’re sending Vega to camp so she can make some new friends. Vega isn’t super keen on this idea. Although she misses her bff, Halley, Vega doesn’t think she needs any more friends in her life. Camp Very Best Friend is definitely weird. The counselors are creepily … Read more

Felix Yz – book review

Felix Yz by Lisa Bunker LGBTQIA Science Fiction Teen * * * Stars (Pretty good) In an experiment gone horribly wrong, Felix simultaneously lost his father and was fused with an alien being from the fourth dimension. They communicate via keyboard – Zyx uses Felix’s fingers to type what vo (Zyx’s and Felix’s grandperson’s pronoun) wants to say. Now, Felix is about to undergo a kind of “surgery” to uncouple him from Zyx, and he’s … Read more

Unplugged – book review

Unplugged by Gordon Korman Funny Mystery Realistic Fiction Tween * * * Stars (Pretty good) As the son of a tech billionaire, Jett Baranov is accustomed to getting whatever he wants and is well known for his stunts, which have gotten him into plenty of trouble. Tired of paying for/covering up his son’s pranks (which are becoming more and more dangerous), Jett’s dad sends him (and one of his employees – Matt – to babysit … Read more

Paper and Fire – book review

Paper and Fire The Great Library #2 by Rachel Caine Fantasy Suspense Thriller Teen * * * * Stars (Great!) Jess Brightwell, now part of the Library’s High Garda, is on a quest to discover the whereabouts of his friend Thomas, who disappeared after the Archivist Magister learned of the plans for his secret printing press. With the help of friends (Glain, Khalila, Dario, Morgan, and their teacher Scholar Wolfe and his partner Captain Santi), … Read more

Snapdragon – book review

Snapdragon by Kat Leyh Graphic Novel Supernatural Teen/Tween * * * * Stars (Great!) When her dog Good Boy goes missing, Snapdragon meets the local “witch,” Jacks, who found him and patched him up. She returns later with some baby possums who Jacks agrees to take in IF Snap helps care for them. Snap learns that Jacks is also a taxidermist of sorts – cleans up animal skeletons and then puts them back together (articulation) … Read more