Night Diary – book review

The Night Diary by Veera Hiranandani Historical Fiction Juvenile Fiction * * * * Stars (Great!) Nisha and her twin brother Amil (12 years old) become refugees when their country gains its independence from British rule in 1947 and is split into two nations – India and Pakistan.  Because she and her family (father, grandmother, and brother) are considered Hindu (even though Nisha and Amil’s mother was Muslim) they must leave the home they have … Read more

Holding Up the Universe – book review

Holding Up the Universe by Jennifer Niven Realistic Fiction Romance * * * * Stars (Great!) Libby Strout was the girl who had to be cut out of her own house when she ballooned up to 653 pounds and earned herself the title of “America’s Fattest Teen.”  Jack Masselin grew up across the street from Libby (before she moved) and has become the cool, suave guy.  He’s also just discovered there’s a name for the … Read more

Blended – book review

Blended by Sharon M. Draper Juvenile Fiction Realistic Fiction * * * * Stars (Great!) Isabella is eleven years old and her parents are divorced with joint custody, so every Sunday there’s an EXCHANGE at the mall and Isabella spends the week with the assigned parent.  The dissolution of their marriage wasn’t exactly amicable and they still get under each other’s skin despite being in serious long-term relationships with other people.  Isabella likes her parents’ … Read more

From the Mixed-Up Files of Mrs. Basil E. Frankweiler – book review

From the Mixed-Up Files of Mrs. Basil E. Frankweiler By E.L. Konigsburg Adventure Juvenile Fiction Mystery Realistic Fiction * * * * Stars (Great!) Feeling unappreciated and taken advantage of, Claudia decides to teach her parents a lesson by running away. Because she’s a planner, and accustomed to a certain standard of living (and comfort) she decides to invite her younger brother Jamie (who saves ALL of his money) on her escapade. Jamie is up … Read more

Welcome, Wombat – book review

Welcome, Wombat True Tales of Rescue series by Kama Einhorn Juvenile/Tween Nonfiction Wombats Animal Rescue * * * * Stars (Great!) Chance, the wombat, narrates a welcome to newly rescued “pinky” Panzer and shares wombat facts and information about the sanctuary and humans who have taken them in to raise and keep safe until such a time comes when they can return to the wild.  Details about wombat nature and habits is imparted in a … Read more

Almost Home – book review

Almost Home by Joan Bauer Realistic Fiction * * * * Stars (Great!) Sugar Mae Cole and her mother Reba are evicted from their home when they fail to make payments on their mortgage.  Sugar’s father, Mr. Leeland, convinced Reba to loan him money, and has yet to pay it back.  Sugar is a smart girl – much wiser than her twelve years – and she makes preliminary arrangements for them to stay at a … Read more

Wildcard – book review

Wildcard sequel to Warcross by Marie Lu Mystery Romance Science Fiction Suspense Thriller * * * Stars (Pretty good) When Emika Chen learns that Hideo has created an algorithm that allows him to control the minds of anyone who uses his NeuroLink, she breaks off their relationship and turns to Zero, the mysterious entity who attempted to sabotage the Warcross Championships.  He knew what Hideo was going to do, and now he has another plan … Read more

Fake Blood – book review

Fake Blood by Whitney Gardner Funny Graphic Novel Realistic Fiction Romance * * * * Stars (Great!) Now that AJ and his friends are in 6th grade, he’s hoping that something will change.  Hunter and Ivy, who did fun things over the summer, have both grown several inches, but AJ, who stayed home and read all summer, is still short and boring.  He does catch a break, however, when his new teacher pairs him with … Read more

I’m From Nowhere – book review

I’m From Nowhere by Suzanne Myers Mystery Realistic Fiction Romance * * * * Stars (Great!) Wren’s journalist mother gets a once in a life opportunity to report on a story in Greenland for 6 months, but as a result, Wren has to go to Hardwick Hall – a boarding school on the east coast (very far away from her home in Ventura, CA) where her mom was once a student.  Wren takes the opportunity … Read more

Heretics Anonymous – book review

Heretics Anonymous by Katie Henry Realistic Fiction Romance * * * * Stars (Great!) Michael’s family has had to move 4 times so far to accommodate his father’s job, and they’re all pretty sick of the upheavals.  Michael’s now attending a fancy private Catholic school called St. Clare’s (although, he’s an atheist), and looking for at least one other fellow outcast to befriend.  He finds several and ends up joining their support group – Heretics … Read more