Ready Player One – book review

Ready Player One by Ernest Cline Adventure Science Fiction Suspense Thriller * * * * * Stars (Amazing!) Wade (aka Parzival), 18, spends most of his time in the OASIS, the massive virtual world created by Jim Halliday and Ogden Morrow. He attends a virtual school – which is way better than a bricks and mortar school for so many reasons (not the least of which is that there’s no PvP on school grounds, and … Read more

Out of My Mind – book review

Out of My Mind by Sharon Draper Juvenile Fiction Realistic Fiction Review #1 * * * * Stars (Great!) Can you imagine being one of the smartest kids in school and not being able to speak? Melody is a bright, humorous eleven-year-old who just wants to fit in and be with other kids her age. But because she is in a wheelchair and cannot speak, she has been in a Special Education class, until now. … Read more

Beetle Book – book review

The Beetle Book by Steve Jenkins Juvenile Non-fiction * * * * Stars (Great!) Beetles Insects Juvenile Nonfiction This book will whet young appetites for beetles – learning about them, at least. With over 350,000 different species, readers are sure to encounter some of them in their lifetimes. Steve Jenkins presents almost 80 beetles in this introduction to beetle types, morphology, adaptations, and life cycles. You will come away amazed at all of the different … Read more

Hero’s Guide to Saving Your Kingdom – book review

The Hero’s Guide to Saving Your Kingdom by Christopher Healy Fantasy Tween * * * * Stars (Great!) Four Princes Charming team up to save Cinderella from the clutches of the evil witch, Zaubera in this funny fairytale mashup. Zaubera has also kidnapped all of the kingdom’s bards as a publicity stunt (she wants people to know her NAME), and they must also be rescued. Unfortunately, all of the princes (except Liam) are pretty inept … Read more

Anna Dressed in Blood – book review

Anna Dressed in Blood by Kendare Blake Audio edition Horror Supernatural Suspense Thriller * * * * Stars (Great!) Cas is a professional teenage ghost hunter. He uses his father’s athame (specially blessed – or possibly cursed – knife) to send harmful, destructive, dangerous spirits to their eternal rest. His father was killed several years ago, and while Cas is following in his footsteps, he’s also amassing the knowledge, experience, and power he will need … Read more

Princess and the Packet of Frozen Peas – book review

The Princess and the Packet of Frozen Peas by Tony Wilson illustrated by Sue deGennaro Picture book * * * * Stars (Great!) Prince Henrik wants to fall and love and get married, but he’s not really sure how to choose the perfect princess. When he asks his brother for help, he tells him how he picked out his own perfect princess – with the pea hidden under the multiple mattresses method. Princess Eva, his … Read more

Confusion of Princes – book review

A Confusion of Princes by Garth Nix Science Fiction * * * * Stars (Great!) In a future where a confusion of princes rules the stars, millions of princes (specially augmented humans with all different kinds of tek built into their bodies and psionic powers) selected for their superior genetics are specially trained to rule, duel, and – if they’re chosen – compete for the honor of becoming the Emperor. Prince Khemri has just finished … Read more

Honeybee Man – book review

The Honeybee Man by Lela Nargi Juvenile Fiction/Non-fiction Picture book * * * * Stars (Great!) Fred the Brooklyn beekeeper loves his bees. He climbs up to his rooftop apiaries every morning to greet his colonies with a “Good morning, my bees, my darlings.” And addresses an individual greeting to each of his bee queens (Mab, Nefertiti, and Boadicea). This is an excellent, accessible introduction for younger children to what bees and their keepers do. … Read more

Akata Witch – book review

Akata Witch by Nnedi Okorafor Fantasy * * * * * Stars (Amazing!) Sunny is a young albino American-Nigerian who has been living in Nigeria since her mother had a premonition that something bad was going to happen to her if she stayed in the States. Her father never wanted a daughter and certainly never wanted to go back to Nigeria, so he holds a grudge against her. When Sunny’s classmate, Orlu, introduces her to … Read more

Ashes (Bick) – book review

Ashes by Ilsa Bick Audio edition Horror Supernatural Suspense Thriller * * * * * Stars (Amazing!) Alex, a teenage girl with cancer, decides to hike out into the woods to scatter her parents’ ashes and make some decisions about her own life. While she’s out in the wilderness, something catastrophic happens – perhaps an EMP (electro-magnetic pulse) – and the whole world changes. Some people die outright, some people change into zombie-like cannibalistic creatures, … Read more