Regular Meeting Minutes – April 17, 2024

Board of Trustees

of the

Huntley Area Public Library District

Minutes of the Regular Meeting

April 17, 2024


Call to Order: A regular meeting of the Board of Trustees of the Huntley Area Public Library District was held in Program Room 3 at the Huntley Area Public Library District, 11000 Ruth Road, Huntley, IL 60142 on April 17, 2024. Vice President Threadgill-Smith called the meeting to order at 5:30 p.m.


Trustees Present: Sandy Domagalski, Stephanie Duncan, Katie Kunde, Shannon McKibben, Leslie Threadgill-Smith and Stephanie Weil

Trustees Absent: Chris Budzynski

Library Staff Present: Frank Novak, Library Director; Loralei Getty, Business Manager; Pamela Kampwerth, Head of Programming & Outreach Services; Sergio Ramos, Head of Maintenance

Visitors Present: Marjorie Smith and Arlene Brouillette

Pledge of Allegiance: Vice President Threadgill-Smith led the Pledge of Allegiance.

Public Comments: Ms. Brouillette requested a library book drop at Sun City. The Woodchucks would build the box for the book drop. The board of Sun City has approved the addition of a library book drop and the senior patrons of the library who reside at Sun City would appreciate one in their community.

Secretary’s Report: Kunde motioned, McKibben seconded that the Board approve the minutes of the Regular Meeting held on March 20, 2024 as presented. All Ayes. No Nays. Motion carried.

McKibben motioned, Domagalski seconded that the Board approve the minutes of the Decennial Committee Meeting held on April 2, 2024 as presented. Following a discussion, the original motion was amended to revise the minutes and present them for a vote at the May Regular Meeting.

Financial Reports and Checks: McKibben motioned, Duncan seconded that the Board approve the checks and financial report for March 2024 as presented. Roll call votes were: Domagalski-Aye; Duncan-Aye; Kunde-Aye; McKibben-Aye; Threadgill-Smith-Aye; Weil-Aye. All Ayes. No Nays. Motion carried.

Monthly Income/Expense Report (Discussion): Trustees reviewed the Income/Expense Report-March 2024 and there were no questions.

Library Director’s Report: Presented by Novak. Based on the information received from McHenry and Kane Counties, the library will receive an estimated tax levy increase of $243,000 this year over last year. The monument sign is completed. The only item remaining is the landscaping. The library’s Head of Marketing and Public Relations has resigned, accepting a position at the Algonquin Area Public Library. Novak’s will present a preliminary budget for the next fiscal year at the May Regular Board Meeting. The wind got ahold of a patron’s car door and the door hit the book return causing damage to the car door. The patron is expecting the library to pay for the repairs, but that will not be the case. This month marks Novak’s tenth year with the Huntley Area Public Library District.

Committee Reports:

Policy: There was no report.

Finance: There was no report.

Facilities: There was no report.

Friends’ Liaison: Presented by Kampwerth. The Friends agreed to fund 11 new hotspots for the library. The next meeting will be on April 19, 2024. Culver’s Fundraising Night is scheduled for April 22, 2024. 84 of 88 tickets have already been sold for the May Fundraising Lunch. The next book sale will be in June.

New Business:

Library Card Requirement for Room and Equipment Use: Novak asked for clarification from the board as to whether a HAPL card is required to use the Recording Studio and Creative Studio. If a card is not required, should the library charge non-residents for the use of the services. Following a discussion, the board agreed that patrons using the Recording or Creative Studios must have a HAPL card.

Old Business: There was no Old Business.

Upcoming Dates: The next Regular Monthly Board Meeting of the Board of Trustees will be Wednesday, May 15, 2024 at 5:30 p.m.

Board Discussion: There was no Board Discussion.

Executive Session: There was no Executive Session.

Items from Executive Session for Action: None

Adjourn: McKibben motioned, Weil seconded to adjourn the meeting at 5:59 p.m. All Ayes. No Nays. Motion carried.

Respectfully Submitted,

Shannon McKibben, Secretary

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