Regular Meeting Minutes – August 21, 2024

Board of Trustees

of the

Huntley Area Public Library District

Minutes of the Regular Meeting

August 21, 2024


Call to Order: A regular meeting of the Board of Trustees of the Huntley Area Public Library District was held in Program Room 3 at the Huntley Area Public Library District, 11000 Ruth Road, Huntley, IL 60142 on August 21, 2024. President Budzynski called the meeting to order at 5:31 p.m.


Trustees Present: Chris Budzynski, Stephanie Duncan, Katie Kunde, Shannon McKibben, Leslie Threadgill-Smith and Stephanie Weil

Trustees Absent: Sandy Domagalski

Library Staff Present: Frank Novak, Library Director and Loralei Getty, Business Manager; Pamela Kampwerth, Head of Programming & Outreach Services

Visitors Present: Marjorie Smith and Natalia Tokarska

Pledge of Allegiance: President Budzynski led the Pledge of Allegiance.

Public Comments: There were no public comments.

Secretary’s Report: Threadgill-Smith motioned, Duncan seconded that the Board approve the minutes of the Regular Meeting held on July 17, 2024 as presented. All Ayes. No Nays. Motion carried.

Financial Reports and Checks: McKibben motioned, Weil seconded that the Board approve the checks and financial report for July 2024 as presented. Roll call votes were: Budzynski-Aye; Duncan-Aye; Kunde-Aye; McKibben-Aye; Threadgill-Smith-Aye; Weil-Aye. All Ayes. No Nays. Motion carried.

Approval of Semi-Annual Treasurer’s Report: McKibben motioned. Threadgill-Smith seconded that the Board approve the Semi-Annual Treasurer’s Report: January–June 2024 as presented. All Ayes. No Nays. Motion carried.

Approval of Annual Treasurer’s Report: Kunde motioned. Threadgill-Smith seconded that the Board approve the Annual Treasurer’s Report: Fiscal Year Ending June 30, 2024 as presented. All Ayes. No Nays. Motion carried.

Monthly Income/Expense Report (Discussion): The FY24 Public Library Per Capita Grant was received in July 2024. The library conducts an expenses review monthly and eliminates unnecessary spending quarterly in order to improve cost efficiency and identify overspending.

Library Director’s Report: Presented by Novak. Novak recently attended training as an election official for the library. The circulation period for nomination petitions is August 20, 2024 to November 18, 2024. The first day to file petitions is November 12, 2024. The last day to file is November 18, 2024. The library has three four-year terms and three two-year terms up for election. Included in the meeting folder is the Apparent Conformity Policy that would govern the filing of petition papers for elections. The policy is proposing a checklist of items that must be present before the election official will certify the candidate. If any of the items on the checklist are not in apparent conformity with the requirements, the election official would be able to reject the materials and not certify the candidate. Novak is recommending setting the hearing date for the Budget and Appropriation Ordinance on September 18, 2024.

Committee Reports:

Policy: There was no report.

Finance: There was no report.

Facilities: There was no report.

Friends’ Liaison: Presented by Kampwerth. At the last general meeting, Novak discussed how our library is funded. The next book sale will be in September at the library. The first holiday basket meeting will be in September.

New Business:

Set Hearing Date for Budget and Appropriation Ordinance: Threadgill-Smith motioned, Weil seconded that the hearing for the Budget and Appropriation Ordinance be held on September 18, 2024 at 5:30 p.m. Roll call votes were: Budzynski-Aye; Duncan-Aye; Kunde-Aye; McKibben-Aye; Threadgill-Smith-Aye; Weil-Aye. All Ayes. No Nays. Motion carried.

Old Business: There was no Old Business.

Upcoming Dates: The next Regular Monthly Board Meeting of the Board of Trustees will be Wednesday, September 18, 2024 at 5:35 p.m.

Board Discussion: The Apparent Conformity Policy was discussed during the Library Director’s Report. Novak was asked to research the library becoming a Passport Acceptance Facility. It’s in the best interest of the library to continue to participate in Enjoy Huntley.

Executive Session: There was no Executive Session.

Items from Executive Session for Action: None

Adjourn: McKibben motioned, Threadgill-Smith seconded to adjourn the meeting at 6:21 p.m. All Ayes. No Nays. Motion carried.

Respectfully Submitted,


Shannon McKibben, Secretary

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