Read It and Rate It

Teens (grades 6 -12): Review a book for a chance to win the monthly prize!
Fill out the review form below to enter.

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Read It and Rate It Submission Form

Write a review of a book that you have read/listened to. You may review fiction, non-fiction, comics, graphic novels, manga, and audiobooks. Your reviews may be shared on the library's website, social media, and/or in the library's Teen Space, and other library publications. You may submit multiple book reviews, but each one must be for a different book. Fill out a separate form for each book you review.

Enter the title of the book you are reviewing.
Enter the author of the book you are reviewing.
Is this book part of a series? If so, indicate the title of the series and the book's # in the series. Example: Arc of a Scythe series, book #1
How would you rate this book?
What type of book is this?(Required)
Select all that apply.
Indicate what other category/categories this book falls into.
Give a short description/summary of the book in your own words. This should include enough information for someone to get an idea of what the book is about without giving away any spoilers! If you liked this book, the description should get someone else excited about reading this book.
Share one or two things that made this book a good (or a terrible) read.
Is this book for...(Required)
Check all that apply.
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Enter your first and last name.
Enter your email address so we can contact you if you are the winner of the monthly drawing.
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