Sunny Makes Her Case – book review

Sunny Makes Her Case
by Jennifer & Matthew Holm
Graphic Novel
Realistic Fiction
* * * * Stars (Great!)

Sunny is now in high school and is discovering her interests. She and a friend try out for cheerleading (not really what Sunny wants to do, but she wants to be with/support her friend). She doesn’t make the squad. When another friend, Arun, starts complaining about how their school is too focused on sports and sports teams and wishes that they had a debate team, Sunny helps him make it happen. The first few teachers they ask to sponsor/advise their club aren’t interested, but eventually they find a kindred spirit in their physics teacher (who used to be on a debate team himself in college). He actually has a lot to teach them and is a great advisor. Sunny and Arun start practicing during their meetings and their teacher gets them involved in competitions. Soon other kids are asking about the club and are wanting to join. Surprised by their success –  both in getting the club off the ground, and in winning competitions against much more experienced and established teams – Sunny and Arun are delighted. Meanwhile, Tony (a guy Sunny worked with at the pool over the summer) and Sunny are now attending the same school and Tony keeps trying to ask her out and losing the nerve, or just missing the timing! Tension! She eventually figures out what he’s trying to do and helps him out and then there’s that new relationship to explore, too. For middle school and high school teens who like realistic graphic novels – the Sunny series is solidly satisfying!

Reviewed by YA Librarian

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