Prophet of Yonwood – Read It and Rate It

The Prophet of Yonwood Books of Ember #3 by Jeanne DuPrau Dystopian Realistic Fiction Mystery Review #1 * * * * Stars (Great!) This is almost as good as The City of Ember. It is its prequel and has the same charm. A teenage girl is going with her aunt to her deceased grandfather’s house to fix it up and sell it. She finds that she loves the house and wants to stay. But, there … Read more

City of Ember – Read It and Rate It

The City of Ember Books of Ember #1 by Jeanne DuPrau Adventure Dystopian Fantasy Mystery Science Fiction Thriller Review #1 * * * * * Stars (Amazing!) This is a really creative book. I have never seen any book ever remotely like this one, which is why it is so great. It is about a girl and a boy who live in an underground (but no one knows that it is underground) city. Things work … Read more

Ella Enchanted – Read It and Rate It

Ella Enchanted by Gail Carson Levine Fantasy Review #1 * * * * * Stars (Amazing!) AWESOME! What is there not to like about this book? It has humor, wit, and charm. Ella was given a “gift” at birth – the gift of obedience. After her mother dies, it gets even harder for Ella. Then it gets even worse when her father remarries a woman with two daughters. The daughters soon realize something is different … Read more

ttfn – Read It and Rate It

ttfn (Ta-ta for Now) Internet Girls series #2 by Lauren Myracle Realistic Fiction Review #1 * * * * * Stars (Amazing!) This is the sequel to ttyl. It is witty and creative and is told entirely through IMs. Angela learns a family secret that is going to change her life, Zoe tries to keep something secret from Angela, and Maddie falls head-over-heels in love. Will they make it through their next year

Letters from Camp – Read It and Rate It

Letters from Camp by Kate Klise Funny Mystery * * * * Stars (Great!) I love this book! It is creative, witty, and full of humor. It is about siblings that are sent to a special camp to learn how to be nice to each other. When they find out that something is up with the siblings that run the camp, they learn to work together better. Check this book out!

Trial by Journal – Read It and Rate It

Trial by Journal by Kate Klise Realistic Fiction Mystery Review #1 * * * * Stars (Great!) This is a great read. It is fairly short, but it is told in letters, e-mails, newspapers, and interviews. It is very creative. Lily Watson is now a juror in a murder trial – and she is only a kid! She must figure out what really happened to Perry Keet, and is Bob White a murderer? Or is … Read more

Inkspell – Read It and Rate It

Inkspell Inkheart trilogy #2 by Cornelia Funke Fantasy Review #1 * * * * Stars (Great!) This is the sequel to Inkheart. I personally like it better than the first, because it takes place in the Inkworld. In this book, Dustfinger is sent back into his book, but leaves Farid behind. Soon, everyone is there, but Mo is captured and sent to the castle of the Adderhead, and Meggie must save him. Read the book … Read more

Beyond the Valley of Thorns – Read It and Rate It

Beyond the Valley of Thorns The Land of Elyon series #2 by Patrick Carman Fantasy Review #1 * * * * Stars (Great!) This is the sequel to The Dark Hills Divide. It is just as good as the first, perhaps even better. Many more secrets are revealed, so it will keep you waiting for the next book. Alexa Daley gets a mysterious note from Warvold, which tells her to go to a place no … Read more

Tenth City – Read It and Rate It

The Tenth City The Land of Elyon series #3 by Patrick Carman Fantasy Review #1 * * * * * Stars (Amazing!) This is the best book in the series, which consists of The Tenth City, The Dark Hills Divide, and Beyond the Valley of Thorns. Amazing things happen in this book, and you find things out that you would never believe. Alexa is still determined to stop the same evil that plagued her in … Read more

Charlie Bone and the Hidden King – Read It and Rate It

Charlie Bone and the Hidden King Children of the Red King series #5 by Jenny Nimmo Fantasy Review #1 * * * * Stars This is the fifth book in the Charlie Bone series. I like it because it reveals many secrets about the Red King and Charlie’s father. When Charlie’s mom gets enchanted by a century-old sorcerer tha ta very surprising person let out of a painting, Charlie has to find a way to … Read more