by Christopher Healy
* * * * Stars (Great!)
Four Princes Charming team up to save Cinderella from the clutches of the evil witch, Zaubera in this funny fairytale mashup. Zaubera has also kidnapped all of the kingdom’s bards as a publicity stunt (she wants people to know her NAME), and they must also be rescued. Unfortunately, all of the princes (except Liam) are pretty inept at performing heroic deeds. Frederick is scared of his own shadow, Duncan is a weirdo, and Gustav is impatient and impetuous. Still, they muddle through their quest without suffering permanent damage or death, and discover their true strengths. It took me a little while to get into this, but I enjoyed it once I warmed up to the princes as they started coming into their own. There will be sequels! I will read them! Or, at least the next one.
Reviewed by YA Librarian