by Jon Klassen
Picture Book
* * * * Stars (Great!)
A small fish has stolen a hat from a much larger fish. As he swims away he recounts all of the reasons why he will “probably” not get caught. And, just behind him, the big fish wakes up, notices his hat is missing, figures out who has taken it, guesses where he’s going, confirms this with someone who saw the little fish pass by (and told the big fish), and follows him into the place where the plants grow thick and tall… Guess who makes it out with the hat! Jon Klassen may be obsessed with hat-wearing creatures and the thievery of said hats. Readers will discover that crime does not pay – even when the hat fits the thief better than the victim. Amusing and dark. Love the illustrations (underwater scenes in greens, browns, and blues set against a black background) – particularly the expressions on the big fish’s face. Simple, but brilliant and spot on.
Reviewed by YA Librarian