Wildcard – book review

sequel to Warcross
by Marie Lu
Science Fiction
* * * Stars (Pretty good)

When Emika Chen learns that Hideo has created an algorithm that allows him to control the minds of anyone who uses his NeuroLink, she breaks off their relationship and turns to Zero, the mysterious entity who attempted to sabotage the Warcross Championships.  He knew what Hideo was going to do, and now he has another plan – using Emika’s bond with Hideo – to stop him.  Emika is torn between her feelings for Hideo, and her uneasiness about Zero and his shadowy organization.  What are they really up to, and who IS Zero?  The answers to these questions will have her switching loyalties back and forth as she tries to find her own way to do the right thing.  An exciting conclusion to story that began in Warcross.

Reviewed by YA Librarian

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